Chapter Four: Just Stop

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Alice wasn't kidding when she said she was going to make my life living hell. By the end of the day a rumor had already been started that I had slept with Matthew and seven other guys. Which I swear isn't true! I am one hundred percent a virgin. Which makes me sound like a total nerd...

I was slamming books into my locker, when two girls came sauntering up. "We heard you slept with Matthew Knight." One of them spat.

"You're such a slut." the other fired.

"Yeah? Well at least I know what color my hair is without reading a bottle." I retorted, slamming my locker closed and stalking out to the parking lot.

I made a beeline for Chad's car in the lot since he took me home everyday.

"Shaina!" I suddenly heard Matthew call from behind me.

Crap. I ignored him and kept walking.

"Shaina!" He yelled louder. "Shaina, please stop!"

I stopped on my tracks knowing it was the only way he'd leave me alone.

He jogged up and stopped in front of me. "Shaina, I-"

"Matthew, please, just leave me alone." I begged quietly not looking at him.


"Look, you can come to my house whenever you fight with your dad but other than that, just leave me alone. Okay?"

Matthew was silent for a moment then muttered okay.

"I'll see you around." I said quietly as I hurried around him. I located Chad's car. He was leaning against the side. "Come here, Babe." he said as he pulled me into a tight hug. "You gonna to be okay?"

I nodded. "I think so. She's already painted me as the school slut. She can't do much more."

Boy was I wrong.

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