Chapter Six: Boys and Beatings

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Matthew left early in the morning as usual.

Chad picked me up for school like normal. As we pulled into the parking lot, I noticed purple flyers on almost all the cars in the lot and students walking around reason them.

"What's going on?" I asked looking at Chad.

He shook his head. "I have no clue."

I climbed out of his car and immediately everyone stared at me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone hand Chad a flyer. He flushed and immediately tried shoving it into his backpack without my seeing.

"Chad,what is it?"

"It's-it's nothing, Babe." he stammered.

"Chad." I said firmly. "Let me see it."

He paused, then reluctantly handed me the crumpled flyer. Tears stung my eyes as I read it: SouthView High School Boys: Don't You Ever Just Need a Favor? Well just call Shaina Collins! She's the most experienced woman for the job! Just give her a call at (817)-992-4478 and she'll do whatever your hearts desire!

I crumpled up the paper and threw it on the ground. A tear slipped free and trickled down my cheek.

"Shaina?" I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders. Chad pulled me into his chest. "It's gonna be okay, Girl. It's gonna be okay."

He led me into school. Everyone stared at us but Chad acted as my body guard and didn't take s*** from anybody.

"Are you going to be okay going to your first period?" he asked as we stood at my locker.

I nodded as I slammed books around in my locker. "I think I'll be fine. I'm actually going to go late to first period. I've got to fix my makeup."

"Okay. Well call me if you need anything."

"Thanks Chaddy."

He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead and headed off down the hall as the tardy bell rang.

I closed my locker and walked down the empty hall to the bathroom.

Just as I was about to go in, arms wrapped around my waist and picked me up.

"Hey! What the f-" A hand clamped down over my mouth.

"Shut up." A guy hissed in my ear.

Two more guys stepped in front of me. I recognized one of them as the school's star quarterback, Kyle Mickson.

"Take her over by the gym." Kyle commanded.

The boy holding me carried me away. Once we reached a secluded corner behind the gym, he dumped me on the ground. I scrambled to my feet.

Kyle paced in a circle around me. "You know I knew under all that goody-goody facade there was a naughty girl in you somewhere." he said smirking.

I whirled to look at him. "That's a lie." I spat. "I don't give out favors to guys. Or sleep with them command. If you want that, go see Alice. She'd happily oblige."

He chuckled. "But Shaina, I want you. You're just too good at being good for it to be real. There is definitely a naughty girl in there you hide from everyone. I'm calling in my favor you advertised." he said as he pulled a crumpled flyer from his pocket.

"Never." I hissed.

One of his friends stepped forward and kicked the back of my legs. I fell to my knees in front of Kyle. The guy that kicked me placed his hands on my shoulders, none too gently, holding me in place.

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