Chapter Seventeen: Finding Matthew

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I started the car and starting driving in the general direction I saw Matthew take off in. I tried calling him but got his voicemail immediately. He ignored my call.

"Matthew come on. I just want to make sure you're okay. Please just call me back."

I didn't think he could get far but as I kept driving I just couldn't find him. A slow pain started creeping through my stomach. I glanced at the clock and realized I missed my next dosage of pain killers. Crap.

Slowly the pain kept creeping until it was unbearable. I pulled over to the side of the rode and clutched my stomach.

I groaned as I dialed the one person I knew would help. Matthew.

It rang twice before he picked up. "Just leave me alone!" he growled.

"Matthew." I gasped in a whisper.

His voice immediately became worried, "Shaina? What's going on? What's the matter?"

"I forgot," I moaned, "My pain killers. It hurts so bad." I sobbed out.

"Oh my god. Okay. Where are you?"

"I don't know! I drove after you." I continued to sob.

"Hang on, Shaina. I'm on my way. Just hang in there."

I hung up the phone and curled into a ball in the seat.

Before long there was a loud banging on the driver's window. I turned and saw Matthew with his face pressed against the glass. I unlocked the door and Matthew immediately pulled it open.

"It's alright, Sweet Pea. I'm here." he gathered me in his arms and placed me in the passenger seat. "Let's go home." He started the car.

"Matthew," I whispered. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean what I said. I was way out of line."

"No. Sh, Sweet Pea. Don't worry about it. You were right. I was angry with my dad and I drowned it in liqour. I shouldn't have done that."

I groaned. "Please hurry."

He reached over and rubbed my back. "You'll be okay. We're almost home."

Matthew pulled into my driveway and scooped me out of the front seat. He threw open the front door slamming it and I moaned. Chad, Sebastian, and my dad came racing down the stairs. My mom was working the night shift at the hospital.

"What happened?" Sebastian demanded taking me from Matthew. "And why do you smell like alcohol?" he asked glaring at Matthew.

"Later. Get her on the couch. I'll get the medicine."

Sebastian sat down on the couch holding me on his lap. Chad sat beside him and held my hand. Matthew returned and handed me the pills and a cup of water. I swallowed them and slowly felt the pain emb. I sighed. "Thank you."

"Alright. Is everything good here now?" My dad asked.

"Yeah . I'm good now, daddy."

"Then I'm going back to bed. Good night." He disappeared upstairs.

"Matthew," my brother gritted, "I need to speak with you in the kitchen."

Matthew stood up from his place on the arm of the sofa and followed Sebastian into the kitchen.

"What do you think they're talking about?" I whispered to Chad.

"Most likely why Matthew came came in carrying you and reeking of alcohol." He dead panned.

I yawned and snuggled deeper into the couch. "I'm tired."

Chad rubbed my arm, "Get some sleep, Boo. Don't worry about them."

I nodded as my eyes closed, falling into a deep slumber.

BAM! Two updates in one day! I'm on a role. BaBam!

Hope you guys enjoy and please don't forget to check out the companion book The Girl Next Door. It's this whole book from Matthew's point of view. So if you guys enjoy this book then you'll enjoy that one too! So check it out!


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