Chapter Fifteen: Big Brother to the Rescue

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Matthew and I talked for awhile longer until I got hungry.

Matthew still refused to let me walk so he carried me down the stairs and resituated me on the couch. He disappeared into the kitchen to make me mac & cheese.

I was watching Four Weddings when I heard the front door open. "Bear Bear? Where are you?"

There was only one person who called me Bear Bear.

My brother Sebastian appeared in the doorway.

I immediately lit up. "Sebastian!"

"Bear Bear!" he hurried over to the couch and pulled me into a tight hug.

I wiggled away laughing. "What are you doing here?"

Sebastian was a two years older than me and was currently a sophomore at the University of Texas in Austin.

He lifted my feet and sat down draping my legs over his lap. "Well when I heard my baby sister was in the ER because some son of a.... never mind, kicked her, I hopped on the first flight back to California."

Matthew came in carrying a tray with a glass of water and my mac & cheese. He set the tray down on my lap and handed me two pink pills. "Those are your pain killers."

"Matthew." my brother greeted holding out his hand.

Matthew shook it. "Sebastian. Good to see you."

Guys greet each other in the weirdest ways....

"Thank you for taking care of Shaina."

Matthew sat down on the arm of the couch near my head. "Of course. Anything for Shaina."

I grinned up at him.

Sebastian looked at us skeptically. "Something going on here I need to know about?"

Matthew and I laughed. "No no." Matthew responded still chuckling. "We're just really good friends."

"Mm hm." My brother hummed.

The front door flew open. "Honey Booboo!" Chad sang.

"Chad!" Sebastian exclaimed jumping up from the couch.

Did I mention Chad and my brother are a couple? Well they are.

"Ah! Sebastian!" Chad rushed over and threw his arms around Sebastian. "I thought you weren't coming home for another two months!"

Sebastian released Chad but kept an arm around him. "I had to come down to see Shaina. And it was an added bonus I got to surprise you." He kissed his temple.

"You guys are sooooo cute!" I cooed.

"Hey, I'll be right back." Matthew muttered in my ear.

I nodded. "You okay?"

"Yeah." he said brushing me off. "Don't worry."

He pushed past my brother and Chad answering his phone as he closed the front door.

"Alright Sebastian release my best friend. We're watching Mean Girls and eating food. Y'all can canoodle later tonight."

"I was gonna meet up with some old friends. So I'll leave you guys." he pecked Chad on the lips, "I'll see you later, babe."

"Bye, Boo."

Chad flopped onto the couch next to me. "Alright what food do we need?"

"Go to Chicken Express and get chicken, corn fritters, and mashed potatoes. Then go to Pizza Hut and get sausage pizza with olives, extra cheese, and bacon. Then go to the gas station and get me a strawberry Arizona Tea and a ton of candy."

Chad laughed as he pulled his keys out of his pocket. "Alright. I'll be back in about an hour." he kissed my forehead and walked out the door.

I turned my attention back to the tv until Matthew came back in slamming the door behind him. I jumped. "You okay?"

He just huffed and dropped onto the couch. "My dad is pissed I haven't been home in three days. He's threatening to call the police."

I paused the tv. "Matthew, you've got to go home."

He laughed humorlessly, "Yeah, and get the crap beat out of me? No thanks. I'll go to Nick's. My dad's probably too drunk to get there."

"Alright. Just be careful." I warned him.

He smiled small. "Don't worry, Sweet Pea. I can take care of myself."

Yay! New update! And a new character! What do y'all think of Sebastian? Isn't he great!

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I'll update as soon as I can!


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