Chapter Five: Night Visitor

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I awoke groggily to a loud tapping at my window. I groaned and rolled over to see Matthew, hands and face pressed up against the glass. I would have to clean that later. I made a mental note.

I pushed my comforter off my body and stumbled to the window.

"Let me in. It's cold out here!" Matthew said in a muffled voice.

I threw up the window and Matthew came tumbling in. I took one look at his face and sighed. "I'll go get the first-aid kit."

This had become routine. Matthew came to my window almost every night with a new bruise or cut added to the collection.

I bounded down the stairs and grabbed the first-aid kit.

When I walked back into my room Matthew already had the mattress out and was sitting on it.

I sat down, cross-legged, in front of him.

He had a busted lip, swollen nose, and cut eyebrow.

"Did your dad do this?" I asked as I rummaged through the first-aid kit for butterfly sutures.

"No, I got into a fight." he answered nonchalantly.

I closed the cut on his eyebrow, cleaned his lip, and taped his nose. "Now, go to sleep." I told him firmly as I put everything back in the kit and shoved it under my bed.

I turned out my light and snuggled back under my covers.

"Shaina?" Matthew whispered.

I rolled over to face him. "Yes, Matthew?"

"I'm sorry. About what happened that day at school."

I was surprised he remembered. It had been a couple weeks since Alice had threatened me at lunch. "It's okay. You couldn't have known it would happen."

"Has she done anything? Alice, I mean."

I bit my lip, pondering if I was going to tell him about the rumors. I decided not to tell him. He hadn't heard them yet. "No." I said quietly. "She hasn't. It was an empty threat."

"Tell me if she does anything, okay?"

"Sure, Matthew." I answered even though I knew I wasn't planning on telling him anything.

Okay so I know the past chapters have been short but this next chapter is super long and I hope you guys really enjoy it! It does have a cliff hanger because it got pretty long so the second half of the chapter should be posted pretty soon!


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