Chapter Nineteen: Facing The Queen B and Her Subjects

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Nick led me to the Common's Area and as soon as Matthew spotted us he rushed over. "Where were you guys?" He asked frantically, "I was starting to worry."

"Chill, Matt. She's fine. I was with her the whole time."

Matthew paused for a minute before nodding a thanks at him and turning his attention to me. "How was English?"

"Uh fine. I'm gonna stay a little late today so I can catch up." I informed him. "You don't have to wait for me."

"Yes, I do." he said firmly leaving no room for an argument.

The tardy bell rang. "To Chemistry?" Matthew asked.

I nodded. The one class I actually had with Alice. This was going to be interesting.

We walked into the classroom together and Alice about burned through me with her glare.

"I'm going to go sit down." Matthew murmured in my ear.

I nodded silently, still staring Alice down. She turned away to watch Matthew take his seat at the back of class.

As I was walking to my seat, a guy's hand shot out and grabbed my wrist stopping me in my tracks. Where was our teacher?

"Are you as good in bed as everyone is making you out to be?" he asked loudly then laughed.

"Of course not, dude!" Another guy somewhere else in the class yelled. "She's nerd. All she does in bed is study!" He snorted cackling with laughter.

The guy holding my arm looked up at me and said, "Yeah, well, you know what they say 'shy in the streets, sexy in the sheets.'" He smirked up at me.

I yanked my arm away but did it with so much force, I lost my balance and fell backwards.

Alice loomed over me with her hands on her hips. "You know what I heard, Shaina? I heard you were meeting Mr. E in his classroom after school today. What are you going to do? Try and get a better grade by su-"

Matthew cut her off standing up. "That's enough, Alice." he said firmly

"Come on, Matthew." she whined. "We were just having a bit of fun."

Matthew came over and helped me stand up. "Are you okay?" he asked lowly, pushing hair off my face.

I pushed him away and ran from the classroom as tears welled in my eyes. Why did I ever think I could just come back? I wasn't sure if I would be able to make it through the rest of the day.

I was so lost in thought I was paying attention to my surroundings. Suddenly, someone pushes me up against the lockers. I closed my eyes and tried to scream but they clamped a hand over my mouth. "Well well well," he hissed. "Shaina Collins."

I slowly opened my eyes and came face to face with a guy from the football team. He was flanked my two others. I tried to fight against him but he was too strong. His friends snickered from behind him.

"I'm going to finish what Kyle started." he stated as he slid a hand up my shirt quickly getting dangerously close to my chest.

Tears filled my eyes again as I became extremely scared. Where was Matthew?

His hand left my shirt and found the button of my jeans he unbuttoned them and I started fighting again, kicking my legs, squirming, anything I could do to prolong what seemed like the inevitable. But he was much stronger he pinned my to the lockers with his body. His hips digging into my stomach. I whimpered in pain when he pushed against me harder causing his hip bone to dig into the still tender area of my hernia. What the hell had Alice been telling these guys to make them want me so badly? I wondered.

The guy started sucking on my neck. It was so disgusting. How could his friends just stand by and watch this. Tears streamed down my face.

"Shaina!" I heard from down the hall. I turned my year streaked face towards the sound and saw Matthew, flanked by Johnny and Nick, racing down the hall.

The guy let go of me. I slid to the floor and sobbed.

"Oh look Matthew plays the Knight in shining armor. How ironic." he sneered.

"Back off her, Ian."

Ian kneeled down beside me and reaches out to brush hair from my face. I shied away from him. "No way, Knight." he said still looking at me. "I was given a job. And I'm going to finish it."

"Alice paid you didn't she?" I whispered.

"Oh yeah, Sweetheart. And I follow through." He reached for my arm but didn't get there. Matthew had him across the hall slamming into the lockers before he could touch me.

"Touch her again." Matthew boomed. "I dare you."

Ian's back up had long scrambled off. He was all alone.

Nick and Johnny dropped to their knees by my side. "Is she okay?" I heard Johnny ask in a low voice.

Nick gathered me in his arms and held me. "Are you okay?" he murmured.

"They touched me!" I sobbed. I was scared.

"You know what. I'm good." I heard Ian say sounding scared. "I'll just be getting back to class."

Matthew released him. "If I ever see you or any of your friends touching Shaina again you'll wish you weren't alive." he growled.

Ian scampered down the hall to his class.

Matthew slid to his knees beside Nick and asked him what happened. "They touched her." Nick responded sounding bewildered and disgusted.

Matthew took me from Nick and held me to him. "Sh, Sweet Pea. Sh. You're okay now. You're safe."

"Just take me home." I mumbled.

Matthew looked at me then solemnly nodded.

He helped me stand up and took me outside to his truck.

Matthew pulled up outside my house and started to get out but I laid a hand on his arm. "I just want to be alone. Go ahead and go back to school. I'll be okay."

I could tell by the look on his face he wanted to object. Before he could tell me no, I begged. "Please, Matthew. Please. I just want to be left alone."

He finally nodded.

I climbed out of the car mumbling a thanks.

I went inside, went straight to the kitchen, and grabbed a knife from the block.

I was about to do something I hadn't done in a very long time.

Oh good lord that cliff hanger... Don't kill me! I know I know. I'll update the next chapter tomorrow because I pre-wrote it on my iPad which I won't have till tomorrow so you guys are gonna have to wait.

But I hope you enjoy this chapter!


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