Chapter Two: Stares

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I woke up early in the morning to my window slamming. I sat up just in time to see Matthew give me a little wave and climb down to the grass below. I glanced over at my clock, realized I still had two hours to sleep, and burrowed back under my blankets with a small sigh.

2 hours later
My alarm blared waking me from my slumber. I groaned and slammed my hand on the snooze button.

"Shaina! Let's go! You're going to be late!" my mom yelled from somewhere else in the house.

I slipped out of bed and trudged to my closet.

I got dressed quickly and thundered down the stairs. As I was stepping off the last step, I heard voices coming from the kitchen. It was strange because my dad was never home when I got up in the mornings. He was always at work.

I walked into the kitchen and was taken by complete surprise to see Matthew sitting at my breakfast bar, in my kitchen, eating a bowl of cereal.

"Um hello." I said flatly.

Matthew looked over at me. "Morning, Shaina." he greeted cheerfully like sitting in my kitchen unannounced was extremely normal.

"Good morning, Sweetheart." my mom said as she kissed my cheek.

I was so confused. What was Matthew Knight doing in my house? We weren't really friends and we certainly didn't hang out. He was the brooding bad boy and I was the straight A teacher's pet. Our kinds never crossed paths let alone ate breakfast together.

"Come on, Shaina." Matthew suddenly said jarring me from my thoughts.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I said come on. We're going to be late."

"Um... Well.... My friend normally takes me to school." I stuttered.

"Oh Shaina!" my mother exclaimed. "Just let the boy take you to school. My goodness. Chad will be fine."

"Fine." I grumbled. I grabbed a granola bar and followed Matthew out of my house.

Matthew opened the passenger door of his truck for me and helped me in. I sighed as Matthew climbed into the driver's seat. "Why are you doing this?" I asked him.

"Just to repay you for letting me hide out at your house last night. I probably need keys to start the car." he said chuckling to himself.

He twisted around in his seat to reach into his backpack for the keys. In the process, his shirt rode up around his waist and I caught a glimpse of a large angry purple bruise right over his hip bone.

I gasped. "Matthew? What-what happened?"

Matthew glanced down and realized what I was seeing. He quickly twisted back around and tugged his shirt back into place. "It's nothing." he responded quickly.


"I said its nothing." he growled harshly, cutting me off.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and quickly texted my best friend, Chad.

Hope you haven't left your house yet. I got a ride with someone else... :/

I set my phone on my lap and began to eat my granola bar.

It buzzed with a text from Chad. Honey Boo Boo! What is this? Who else could drive you to school? I'm the only one who gets to chauffeur your ass around!

I giggled a little. I hated when he called me Honey Boo Boo.

Um... Sort of got a ride with Matthew Knight....

He texted back immediately. You lucky little ho3! Girl, I am so jealous!

I laughed, like, out loud, super loud.

Matthew raised an eyebrow. "Everything okay over there?"

"Yup." I said popping the p. "Just peachy."

"Well, what's so funny?"

"Oh, it's my friend Chad."

"Wait, Chad? As in that gay kid?" he asked disgust evident in his voice.

"Hey! 'That gay kid' happens to be my best friend. So you need to shut up." I said probably a little too harshly. "Please." I squeaked, scared of how he would react.

We were silent for awhile as I nibbled my granola bar.

"Hey," Matthew said at the next red light. "I'm sorry about the way I reacted to Chad being your friend."

"It's okay. I just don't like people judging him because of it."

He nodded his head in understanding.

We drove the rest of the way to school in silence.

Matthew pulled into the parking lot and pulled into his assigned parking space.

I climbed out of his truck and immediately felt everyone's eyes on me. I dropped my head, hiding.

Matthew came around and tugged at my arm. "Come on. Just ignore them."

I aloud him to lead me inside.

"Why was everyone staring at you in the parking lot?" he asked once we had gotten into the safety of the school entrance hall.

"Hm I don't know. Let's see. Shaina Collins, the quiet, little straight A, teacher's pet, getting out of the bad boy's truck. That's not out of the ordinary at all!"

"Shaina, calm down." Matthew whispered to me looking around.

I glanced around and noticed people watching us. "Look, I don't like being the center of attention." I said lowering my voice, "So thanks for the ride but just leave me alone."

I left Matthew standing in the middle of the entrance way and hurried to my locker. Chad leaned against it waiting for me.

"Good morning!" he chirped.

"Hi, Chaddy."

He leaned over and pecked my cheek. "So, you have some explaining to do, Missy. What on earth were you doing in Matthew Knights' truck?"

I sighed. "He took me to school to repay me for letting him stay the night last night."

Chad's jaw about hit the floor. "He spent the night? In your room?" He demanded.

I smacked the back of his head. "Not like that! He got into a fight with his dad and needed somewhere to spend the night."

"Uh huh. Sure. Like he doesn't have any other friends who he can stay with."

"Well when I opened my window and asked what he was doing at my house he said it was the closest place he could think of."

"Hold up. Wait a minute. Your window? Matthew Knight snuck in through your window?!" he squealed.

"Would you shut up! I don't need the whole school to know Matthew stayed at my house last night." I hissed. "Especially Alice! She would make my life miserable."

Alice was the class b****. She lived to make all of us "little people" go through hell. If you weren't up in the ranks with her, you were a target.

Alright here is the new update! I hope you guys enjoy! Let me know what you guys think and yeah!

Happy Thanksgiving to those of you that celebrate it! And to those of you that don't hope you had a great day!


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