Chapter Twenty-One: He's Mine So Back Off Queen B

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I woke up wrapped up tightly against Matthew. I sighed in content.

"Good morning, Sweet Pea." Matthew whispered kissing the top of my head.

"Mm." I sighed kissing his chest. "Good morning." I responded smiling tiredly up at him. At this moment, I was very glad my mom had worked the night shift and my dad was out of town.

"Does your stomach hurt?" he asked his hand grazing the scar from my surgery.

I shook my head. "It's fine." I could see the worry in his eyes. "I'm fine, Matthew." I promised him. I leaned up and kissed him softly.

"We need to get ready for school." he murmured kissing my nose.

I groaned and held him tightly. "Do we have to?" I mumbled into his chest.

He chuckled and held me to him as he sat up. I curled against him in the swelter of blankets. "Yes, Sweet Pea. We have to go to school. You're going to be fine because I'm going to be by your side. You won't go through this alone. I've gone through too much alone and I'm not letting that happen to you."

"Let's show them what we're made of." I said smiling at him.

We climbed out of bed and I looked down realizing I was wearing his t-shirt. I went to take it off and give it back to him but he stopped me. "Keep it." he said smiling. "It looks better on you anyway." He yanked on his jeans and jacket. "I'm gonna go home and change. I'll be back in a few minutes." He said taking my hands and kissing my cheek.

"Please be careful." I said quietly.

"Don't worry about me, baby." He walked towards my window holding onto my hand till the last second. "I'll be back before you know it." He climbed through my window and down to the ground.

I went to my closet to try and find something to wear. I quickly got dressed folding Matthew's shirt and laying it on my bed.

My phone started ringing somewhere in my bedroom. I located it and answered. "Hello?"

"Babe!" Chad exclaimed through the phone. "I didn't see you yesterday. How'd your first day back go?"

"That is a long story." I sighed balancing the phone between my cheek and shoulder as I pulled my shoes on. "But hey. Something happened last night..." I trailed off smiling to myself.

"Spill, girl, spill!" Chad screeched excitedly.

"So Matthew and I... We... You know...." I trailed off giggling to myself.

Chad, being my best friend, knew exactly what I meant without me even having to say it. "Oh my god!" He screamed. "Little innocent Shaina isn't so innocent anymore! How was it? Was he good?"

"Oh my god, Chad. Way to be blunt." I laughed in embarrassment. "But, it was the best thing, " I responded walking around my room picking up textbooks and shoving them into my backpack. "He was absolutely amazing. God Chad," I yelped as a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. "Talking about how good I am in bed?" Matthew whispered in my ear kissing my neck. I could hear the smirk he was wearing in his voice. I blushed crimson.

"Shaina? You okay?" Chad asked sounding worried.

"I'm fine. Matthew scared me that's all."

"Ooh he's there. Let me talk to him."

I handed my phone to Matthew. "It's for you."

Matthew looked at me confused as he took the phone. "Yes?"

I watched Matthew as the color drained from his face. I stifled a laugh.

Matthew cleared his throat. "Uh got it." he said and then handed the phone back to me.

"What'd you do to my boyfriend?" I demanded laughing.

"Just gave him a little incentive not to hurt you." Chad put simply.

"Well, I'll see you at school."

"See you later, Boo!"

I turned to find Matthew sitting on my bed. I went over to him and rubbed his back. He reached out and drew me to him so I was standing between his legs.

"What'd Chad say to you?" I asked laughing.

Matthew chuckled. "He told me if I hurt you in any way he'll kick me so hard I won't be able to have kids."

I buried my head in my hands embarrassed. "Oh my god."

He pulled my hands from my face. "It's okay Sweet Pea. I think it's great you have a best friend that's that protective of you. Come on. We have to get to school."

I nodded. He stood up, kissed my forehead, and led me out to his truck.

Matthew pulled into the parking lot.

"You ready for this?" he asked.

"I'm glad I have you." I told him smiling.

He leaned over, cupped my cheek, and pressed his lips to mine gently. "Let's do it."

We got out of the car and he came around to my side and pulled into his side wrapping an arm around my shoulders. Everyone in the parking lot watched us like we were Edward and Bella from Twilight. (If you have ever seen Twilight, you should know exactly what scene I'm referring to.)

I walked into school under Matthew's arm. I heard Alice before I saw her: "Yeah, Matthew and I are so close, we're practically dating." she bragged to her group.

"Hey, let's send her a message." I whispered to him.

He looked over at Alice. Her little groupies turned her towards us. She smiled trying to look sexy and waved at him.

He grinned at me. "Let's." Matthew pulled me to him and pressed his lips firmly to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his circled my waist. Let's just say that was a lot more PDA then I'm usually comfortable with. But, hey, it was for a good cause.

I heard a high pitched gasp. I grinned against his lips.

"Think that showed her?" Matthew asked pulling away.

I looked over and Alice looked so mad I practically saw smoke coming out of her ears. "Oh yeah." I said laughing. "And you know what? I'm feeling quite confident." Matthew looked at me confused as I turned away from him and faced Alice. "Hey, Alice! Back off, B****! He's all mine." I called to her smiling.

Matthew pulled me into him laughing. "Way to take care of her, baby! I'm proud of you." he said kissing me.

Yay new update! Sorry it took so long!

There are only a few chapters left! I'm kind of sad this book is drawing to a close.

So you guys get a choice for the next chapter. Choice A) Matthew gets into a heated fight with a guy who tries to harass Shaina. Choice B) Shaina confronts Alice, gets into an argument, and then a fight. Choice C) Alice does the unthinkable (which will remain a surprise) to Shaina because she's dating Matthew. Just comment which option you want!

Thanks guys!


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