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Some, happy, years later:

I heard a loud tap at my window. I stumbled over groggily and threw it open. Matthew sat outside grinning.

"Matthew," I laughed, "You're supposed to be at your bachelor party with the guys. What are you doing here?"

"Eh. Johnny got Chad, Nick, and your brother drunk hours ago. They're all passed out. They won't know I'm gone. Can I please come in? It's cold out here." he pouted.

I grabbed his arm and tugged. "Get in here, you."

I climbed back into bed and watched as Matthew pulled off his boots dropping them by the window and tossing his shirt into the corner. He climbed into bed beside me facing me. He planted a soft kiss on my lips.

"I love you." I whispered running two fingers over his lips.

He kissed my fingers. "I love you too." he murmured. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" he asked cupping my cheek.

"As I'll ever be. I'm nervous. You?"

He chuckled. "Well yeah. It's not everyday I get to marry the girl of my dreams."

"I never thought I would fall in love with the boy at my window." I said laughing.

He kissed my nose. "Did you ever think you'd marry him?"

I shook my head. "No way."

He pouted. "Having second thoughts?"

I kissed his pout away. "Of course not. I love you. And that won't change. Now, I need to get some sleep. I have to get all pretty for you tomorrow." I rolled over so my back was to him.

Matthew kissed the back of my neck, "You're always pretty." he murmured wrapping his arm around my waist. "Just think, tomorrow night you'll be Shaina Knight. And you'll be all mine."

And that is officially the end of The Boy At My Window.

If you there are any questions you guys have about how other characters turned out or want another epilogue (like where they have a kid or something) I am happy to answer the questions or right another epilogue. Or if you feel like I left some ends not tied up just let me know and I'll figure out how to fix it!

Also, would you guys like a sequel? I will gladly write one if you guys want it. I've been throwing around some new ideas for a sequel. So if you would like one please feel free to let me know!

And that, my lovelies, is the end.


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