Chapter Three: Furious Lunch

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Chad and I made it to lunch without any events happening with Alice or any of her minions who may have seen me get out of Matthew's truck.

We sat down at our normal table and just when I thought I'd dodged the bullet, a hand with perfectly manicured, pretty pink nails slammed down on the table beside me.

"Well hi Shaina." Alice hissed through a fake smile.

I gulped. "H-hi, Alice."

"So I saw you getting out of Matthew's truck this morning." I stammered to respond. "Listen here, b*****," she spat slamming her hand down on the table making me jump, "Matthew is mine. He is so far out of your league it isn't even funny. What possibly made you think you would have ever had a chance with him? Back off before I make this year a living hell for you." she flipped her hair over her shoulder and swayed back to her table full of goons.

My eyes burned with tears and I dropped my head.

"Shaina," Chad said gently, taking one of my hands.

"Don't." I said firmly, keeping my head down.

"I think you may want to see this though."

I drug the sleeve of my sweatshirt over my eyes and lifted my head just in time to see Matthew heading for Alice's table looking furious.

I couldn't hear what they were saying but by the time the conversation was over, Matthew was being led out of the cafeteria by two of his friends and Alice was standing rooted in place. Then she slowly turned her head towards me and mouthed two words. Living. Hell.

Alright you guys are lucky. I have three more chapters written and finished and they're so good that I don't want to withhold them from you. So you get three more chapters all tonight!


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