Chapter Sixteen: Jail Time

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"You can't make fetch happen!" Chad and I yelled at each other roaring in laughter.

"Hey, pass me a piece of pizza." Chad said pointing to the box. I snatched a piece and handed it to him. "Thanks, Boo."

Just as the movie ended, the front door swung open and Sebastian waltzed in.

"Hey, baby." he said kissing Chad on the cheek. "Hey, Bear Bear." he greeted placing a kiss on my forehead. "How was the movie?"

"Great. As always." I replied. "Hey, Chaddy. Would you get my pain pills from the kitchen? They're the pink ones. I need two."

"Sure!" he bounded into the kitchen.

Sebastian sat down beside me. "So, where's Matthew?"

"He uh had to handle somethings. He'll probably be back later tonight though." I muttered.

Before Sebastian could question what I meant, Chad came back and handed me a glass of water and my pills. "Thanks, Chaddy."

I gulped down my pain medication. "Come on, Chad." Sebastian whined. "I'm tired!"

Chad chuckled and took Sebastian's hand. "Alright alright. I'll see you in the morning, Boo." Chad said placing a kiss on my forehead. "Are you okay down here?"

"Yeah. I'll be good. I'm going to sleep anyway. Would one of you turn off the light on the way out?"

"Sure thing, Bear Bear." Sebastian placed a kiss on my forehead and disappeared with Chad upstairs.

I slowly fell asleep.

I was pulled out of my sleepy daze by the sound of my phone ringing somewhere in the tangle of blankets on the couch. I sat up and shoved my blankets off me looking for my phone. It was one in the morning, who on earth was calling me?

I snatched it up and brought it to my ear. "Hello?"

"Is this Shaina Collins?"

"Yeah." I responded irritably. "Who is this?"

"This is Deputy Scott." That woke me up. "Do you know a Matthew Knight?"

I swallowed hard. "Uh ye-yes." I stuttered. "Why? What's happened?"

The Deputy sighed. "I have Matthew in a holding cell down here at the station. He has been busted for DUI and underaged drinking. Since it's his first offense, his bail is one hundred dollars."

I groaned and rubbed my face. "Okay. I'm on my way. How sober is he?"

Deputy Scott laughed. "Not enough to make this call. He just kept muttering your name in a drunk haze so I figured I'd make a phone call on his behalf."

I sighed. "Tell him I'm on my way."

I grabbed Chad's keys and my wallet and snuck out of the house.

I marched into the police station and to the glass counter. "I'm here to pickup Matthew Knight."

"Shaina? I'm Deputy Scott. Do you have his bail?"

I opened my wallet and handed him the hundred dollars. He got up from the chair and disappeared. A door opened to the right of the counter. "Come on back."

I followed Deputy Scott through the station until we reached Matthew's cell. He was sitting on the bed with his head in his hands.

"Is he sober?" I asked the Deputy quietly.

"More or less." he responded as he twisted the key in the lock. "Let's go, Knight. Your bail has been paid."

Matthew looked up and met my eyes. I glared at him. He got up slowly from the bed.

"Shaina, if you would follow me again, I will give you the things we confiscated off of Matthew."

I nodded and followed him.

"Shaina. What are you doing here? You're supposed to be resting." Matthew tried to speak except it came out kind of slurred. Which only made me angrier.

"I had to come pick up your sorry ass!" I told him harshly without looking at him.

We went back out into the waiting area. Matthew slumped in one of the chairs and I waited at the counter for Deputy Scott.

He came back with a large plastic bag and Matthew's jacket. He emptied the contents on the counter. He slid each object towards me as he listed it off. "One pack of cigarettes, one lighter, one wallet, two packets of Advil, and one leather jacket. I hope I don't see him in here again." he said as he placed everything back in the bag and handed it to me.

"Thank you, Deputy. You won't."

I turned to Matthew and threw his jacket and the bag at him then stalked out of the station.

He ran to catch up with me. "Shaina, I'm-"

I cut him off. "Get in the car." I told him coldly.

Matthew silently slid into the passenger seat.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" I asked him angrily. I couldn't believe he had done this. After what he has seen alcohol do to his dad. "You could have gotten into a car accident! You could have died! Have you not learned from what alcohol did to your dad? How could you be so stupid?"

His face darkened. "Because that's who I am, Shaina!" he yelled. "The f*** up, remember? I'm the stupid kid that doesn't deserve to live. I don't need a babysitter, Shaina! I can fend for for myself. Maybe if would've been better if I died tonight! Then I wouldn't be beaten and you wouldn't have to worry about protecting me!" He yelled as he punched the dashboard.

"Matthew, that's not what I meant." I said immediately regretting getting angry with him. I didn't even know why he did it.

He took in a shaky breath. His eyes alight with anger. "No? Well too bad cause it's out there. You think I'm a mess up; just like everyone else." And with that he climbed out of the car slamming the door and ran of into the dark.

I had just screwed up big time.

New update! I am on a role! I hope you guys like it and uh things are about to get interesting! Yay I'm so excited!



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