Chapter Twenty-Four: I'm Back Baby And I'm Never Letting Go

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Matthew was unconscious for five hours after he left the ER. His dad had stabbed him three times. Once in his side, shoulder, and hip. Matthew got lucky. His dad missed any major organs. I can't tell you how many times I cried seeing him in that bed. Completely helpless. He had lost a lot of blood. The doctor said he'd wake up. They just didn't know when. After an hour, Nick and Johnny hurried into the room and demanded to know what had happened.

After two hours of me sobbing quietly in the chair beside Matthew's bed, Nick took my hand and led me from the room. He told me to wait in the family room, that he couldn't bare to see me so upset. I nodded solemnly and trudged down the hall.

After two more grueling hours of nothing, Nick dashed into the room. "Shaina! He's awake!"

I jumped from my place and raced down the hall beside Nick to Matthew's room.

We pounded into the room. Matthew blinked at us weakly. His face was so bruised and battered, it made me hurt to look at him again.

"Matthew?" I choked out softly.

He turned in the direction of my voice and held up an arm weakly, "Sweet Pea?"

I sighed hearing him call me by my nickname and rushed into his arms. I curled into him. "Matthew, I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. It was all a set up." I sobbed.

He held me tightly, "I know, baby. I know." he said quietly. He kissed my head and smoothed my hair. I vaguely heard Nick and Johnny shuffle from the room. "Jackson called me and told me everything."

I looked up into his battered face. "What happened?" I asked gently cupping his cheek.

"I stood up to my dad. I saw you stand up to Alice and I figured it was time for me to stand up to my dad. I told him I wasn't going to be his punching bag anymore, that I wasn't going to take it anymore and it made him so mad. I don't even remember what happened. All I remember is pain. How bad do I look?"

I chuckled and pulled my phone from my pocket and turned on the front camera. I held it up to Matthew's face.

He cringed. "Yeesh.... He did quite a number." he said as he turned his face this way and that to get a better look.

I put the phone away. "He also stabbed you. Three times." I told him quietly.

Matthew raised his eyebrows apparently shocked. "He what?"

"Your dad stabbed you."

Matthew just looked stunned.

Before he could respond, my parents came in. I sat up off of Matthew.

"We have some news." my dad began. "Matthew, your, um, father has been taken to jail and sentenced to fourteen years for child abuse and illegal possession and use of drugs."

"Matthew, because you have no other legal guardians," my mom intervened, "we would like you to stay with us until graduation."

Matthew smiled. "Wow." he breathed. "Thank you. Thank you both so much."

I threw my arms around Matthew's neck and kissed him gently so as not to hurt him. My mom came over and hugged Matthew. "Welcome to the family." she said. "Shaina, when should we expect you home?" she asked turning to me.

"Actually can I stay here? Matthew stayed with me every night I was in the hospital. Now I want to do the same for him."

My mom nodded. "Of course," my dad tried to object but my mom took his arm, "Come along, dear." she said pulling him from the room.

"No funny business!" I heard him yell as he left. If only he knew...

I turned back to Mathew. He brushed hair from my face and said three words that pretty much stopped my heart. "I love you."

I broke out in the widest grin my face would allow and threw my arms around him. "You know, I wanted to be the first to say it but it sounded so amazing coming from you. I love you."

"It's sounds even better coming from your lips." he whispered before kissing them.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how I fell in love with my delinquent neighbor, the boy at my window.

The end.

Yes, my dear readers, it is complete. *cue the tears*

I don't how thank all my loyal readers and voters. Thank you guys so so much for all the support and for getting this book to 11.4K reads and 374 votes. You guys are so amazing and I love each and every one of you.

I will be posting the epilogue within minutes of this chapter because I have had it written for weeks.

I hope you guys enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it and now The Girl Next Door will be my focus. So go check it out.

This book will be under some editing. Mostly for grammar mistakes but I may change some chapters. If that happens I will send a message to let y'all know!

Again thank you so much for your support and I love you guys.


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