Part 23

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"Remain calm stay!!!" Darnell said to me.

"Okay" I said trying to relax even tho I was about to shit bricks.

The officer walks up to Darnell's window.

Darnell rolls his window down.

"Is there a problem officer?" Darnell asked.

"Yea. You know your tail light is out, I was behind you on the highway but noticed you turned off to your home and decided to let you know." He said.

"Oh man, thanks so much officer, I will get that handled first thing in the morning." Darnell said.

"Alright y'all have a good night" the office said smiling at me and Darnell and walking to his car.

"That was close!" I said.

"Told you to relax. Cmon let's go In the house." Darnell said to me.

We walked in his house and it was beautiful. He showed me around and I decided to go ahead and shower.

I needed a good cleaning for sure.

After I got out the shower I observed Darnell's house. It was very nice.  I walked down stairs and their He was with a glass of wine for me and him.

"Thank you baby" I said to him kissing his lips.

"You're welcome. I know today has not been a normal day for you ." He said.

"If you weren't there to save me then I'd be the one who's dead." I said.

"Exactly which is why I put an end to this." He said.

"I thank you so much." I said.

"Your welcome." He said kissing my lips

I blushed.

"Can I ask you something?" He said.

"Yes." I said.

"Would you like to move in with me?" He asked.

Wowwwww! Move in with him?

"Ummm Darnell this is too soon" I said.

"Look I know it's too soon but I'm falling for you girl" he said.

"And I'm falling for you too but we have to give each other time to make a huge decision like this." I said.

"But ask yourself do you really wanna stay in a place where you ex was killed at." He said.

".... maybe your right, I'd be hella paranoid and I'm already traumatized." I said.

"So is that a yes?" He asked.

".......yes" I said smiling.

"Good good. We gotta get your clothes out of that condo soon." He said.

"When tho?" I asked.

"Tomorrow." He said.

" I have to make sure i let teddy know Im moving. I know he may be sad because we lived close by each other." I said.

"Teddy will be okay y'all can still go out and he can come by and hang out with you." He said.

"Yea you're right." I said.

"I'll be right back, i Need some water from the kitchen." Darnell said headed to his kitchen.

I sat there in the living room watching tv and my mind was wondering.

Am I really about to do this???? Am I really about to move in with him?

Well he does make A LOT of money but I'm starting to fail at the hustle I have as a "HOE" I'm becoming a housewife damn near and that is nothing I'm used too.

Yea Rowe is dead and I honestly don't feel bad that he is. But I promised myself to not fall in love with no one in the mist of my own game but it's too late.

I'm in love with Darnell Downs....


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