Cheater! Nozomi x Heartbroken! Male! reader x Maki nishikino

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(Y/n) Pov
I instantly shot up from my sleep. Today was me and Nozomi's anniversary. I'm the luckiest man in the world to be dating her. Still every time I'm with her my heart flutters. Or when we kiss I still blush. I got me and her matching shirts and a necklace she has the lock and I have the key. I put our best photo in lock.

I got in the shower and took a nice long shower. I got out, dried myself and then put on my uniform. I brushed my teeth and then combed my hair. I got the gifts and a bouquet of flowers. Cliche I know. I jumped a little when I heard the doorbell ring. I ran down the stairs nearly dying. I opened the door and it was my dear girlfriend Nozomi.

"Hey Nozomi! Happy anniversary" I pass her the gifts and the flowers." "Thanks (y/n)!" She put the gifts in her bag. I all of a sudden cupped her cheek and placed a kiss on her lips after a few seconds she didn't return my kiss instead she pushed me away from her. I'll admit I was a little hurt but not to much. I guess she saw my disappointment and planted a small peck on my cheek. I grabbed her hand and started running towards school.

"Hey lovebirds your going to fast walk slower!" Eli shouted at me and Nozomi. "Sorry Eli!" I shouted running into the school. She shook her head and laughed. I ran into an empty classroom. "I love you Nozomi!" "I love you too (y/n)" I kissed her on the nose. I started giggling seeing her surprised face. Then the bell rang we both jumped. I grabbed her hand once more and started running into the classroom.

School was blah blah blah I wasn't even paying attention all I can think about is the purplette who stole my heart. The bell rang once again I jumped a bit gaining laughter from my classmates. I decided to leave Nozomi until she wants to sit by me. 'I don't want to be a clingy boyfriend' Instead I sat next to maki today. She wasn't sitting by anyone so I decided to tease her. "Why hello there tomato princess" "Hey (y/n) did Nozomi leave you? How sad" I rolled my eyes "she didn't leave me." She snickered a bit. Soon Rin and Hanayo came. I got up and said goodbye to them.

I ran up to the rooftop. I love going here so many memories. I remember when Nozomi confessed to me here. 'Ah such a beautiful day. I can't believe she would actually date someone like me' I sat down for a bit eating my lunch. Then Nozomi burst threw the door with a guy I never knew. She saw me and I introduced him. "Hey (y/n) this is Kosuke he's one of my childhood friends!" I can sense a little bit of uneasiness in her voice but I shook it off. "Pleasure to meet you Kosuke. I'm her boyfriend (y/n) (l/n)." He shook my hand the bell soon rang. We all ran out trying to get to class in time

Jeez more class when will this be over. I wasn't paying attention until I hit my head on the desk. I shot up and excused myself to the nurse. I lied because I was too tired. The nurse believed my lie and told me to lie down and rest. I slept until the day was over. I heard a little knock on my door. I smiled when I saw who it was. "Hey there (y/n) how are you feeling?" "I'm good thanks Nozomi!" I placed a peck on her lips. Then Maki bursted in. "(Y/n) it's an emergency you mom is in the hospital but I have bad news... we have to cut off her oxygen supply." My eyes opened up I ran out with Nozomi following out behind. I ran to the Nishikino hospital. "May I see (m/n) (l/n) please?" "Yes right this way" I looked down when I entered in. My mom smiled at me. "Don't worry honey I'll be fine." "Mom is it true?" "I'm sorry but yes" tears streamed down her face. I couldn't watch them take my mom. I heard the sound of her heartbeat slowly fade out into a flat line. Maki and Nozomi were  here to comfort me

After yesterday I couldn't sleep all I could think about was my mom. But I have to be strong I won't give up just yet. I remembered what my mom said. Even if she passes stay strong. I knew this was going to happen but I still pushed passed it. I soon got ready and went downstairs and ran straight into the school.
~timeskip after school~
I was walking down the hall when I peeked into a classroom and saw a purpled haired girl and a icy blue haired boy. The icy blue haired boy looked like Kosuke. I put my head at the door I heard a voice it was Nozomi. "Look I don't need (y/n) I need you" I kept listening. 'No what am I doing this is only going to hurt' "Well then Nozomi. Guess your mine now" I looked through the glass Kosuke  was getting close to Nozomi. Then they kissed I bursted through the door. Their faces where in shock. I already had icy tears stain my face. My chest hurt. "Was I not good enough anymore? What did I do to deserve this! Huh?! After everything that happened yesterday? After everything we went through together! You leave me?" I dropped to the ground. "(Y-y/n) I really didn't mean it" "I don't want your excuses I was here the whole time. But we should get going to your practice. Your secret is safe with me" I got up and started walking to the rooftop. Nozomi followed behind me

"(Y/n) Nozomi why are you guys late?" Umi asked sternly. "Sorry Umi-Chan I was completing some homework while Nozomi was helping me" "Alright anyways let's just get to practice." as they were practicing I teared up a bit knowing everything Nozomi said to me was a lie. Lies lies lies lies lies. They all were. I wiped off my tears. Once they did their final moves I got up and grabbed their towels and water bottles. "Hey (y/n) aren't you and Nozomi all lovey-dovey usually." I couldn't take it and started to break down. "(Y/n) what's wrong?" Nico asked I could hear the worry in her voice. Nico, Maki, and I are very close so I sent them a text stating to come to my house. They both nodded in response. I got up tears stopped flowing down. "Sorry about that guys but don't worry" I say flashing them all a big smile. I passed Honoka some bread so she would stop yapping about this.

After everything we all started to say goodbye to each other and went home. I felt so empty inside. Everything was lies. Tears started rolling down my face again. 'Why can't I just be strong?' When I got to my house I went upstairs to my bedroom. I sat there waiting for Nico, and Maki to come. After a while I heard a knocking on my door. I opened the door Nico, and Maki giving me a big hug. "Haha who knew maki could be this friendly?" I say teasing her a bit. "Look it's not like I wanted to hug you. I just had to!" Her face exploded in color. Nico, and I giggled a bit. "So (y/n) what happened?" Nico asked concerned. "I caught Nozomi c-cheating on me" my voice cracked a bit. "Really after everything that happened yesterday!" "Y-y-yeah" "It's ok (y/n) let it out" "Maki I have to go" "ok" After Nico left I started crying in Maki's shoulder while she whispered calming words to me. Soon my eyelids started to droop and I was fast asleep

I woke up. I was wondering what happened last night I remembered crying on Maki's shoulder. I looked to the side to see Maki there. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my room. I made breakfast for us and went downstairs to watch. After and hour she woke up and came downstairs. "Hey Maki I made breakfast" "Thanks (y/n)"

~after a couple months at school~
Everyone except Nico, and Maki got mad at me because I broke up with Nozomi. But today she confessed that she cheated on me. "I'm so sorry (y/n) I acted out on you" Eli said sounding guilty. "Guys don't sweat it it's fine. Also no hard feelings on Nozomi" They nodded. "Thanks Nozomi" "yeah" she said softly. I started getting closer to Maki everyday to the point where I think I can't live without her. "Hey (y/n) when are you going to confess" Nico teased. "I don't know" I went outside to climb the cherry blossom tree. I climbed up and sat on the second to highest branch. I looked down I was pretty high up. I remember when I used to drop down and then grab onto one of the branches. I soon dropped down when μ's was looking. I grabbed onto the second to last branch and jumped off. μ's looked at me in shock

I was grinning like crazy right now. 'Haha I showed off in front of Maki' Nico came up to me and started hitting me on the head. Soon after Maki started hitting me. "Baka Baka Baka Baka Baka Baka" "Ok Ok calm down I get it" I say giggling. "You scared us half to death (y/n)!" Umi shouted. "Sorry guys" I chuckled a bit. "Hey (y/n) can you come with me for a bit?" My heart pounded it was Maki. She brung me into an empty classroom. "So Maki what is it?" "Well I'm just letting you know this is not an confession. I wouldn't like a pervert like you. Yeah I don't like you. Your an idiot and stuff and yeah I don't like you. 'Wow it's been five minutes and she's blabbering on and on about how she doesn't like me' "Ok (y/n) I'm sorry for being difficult I do like you" "I like you too" I caressed her cheek and pulled her in for a kiss. She reciprocated it. My heart started pounding I broke the kiss after a minute. I started smiling like an idiot.

I went to open the door when Honoka fell face flat on the door. Me and Maki's face exploded with red. "That was SHAMELESS (y/n) kiss each other at home!" Eli started snickering in the background. Then I saw Nico holding a camera. My eyes widened in shock. "NICO-CHAN!!" I yelled. She stuck out her tongue and giggled. I rolled my eyes. I looked at Maki and smiled. I know out love will go on forever

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