Dia X Jealous! Fem! Reader

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Sooooooo I have this wheel spiney thingy and it picked Dia. Also I'm going to try to write in third person pov is that even how you say it?? Oh well-

(Third person) pov

"Thank you for coming to our concert! I hope you all have a great day!" (Y/n) watched her girlfriend leave the stage as she got attacked by fans. "Dia-Senpai! We love you!!" Yep. Your dating Dia. Sometimes it felt like you weren't dating each other at all. She has fans surrounding her every second. You couldn't help but feel a little jealous. You felt selfish for wanting her to yourself so you never spoke much about it. Soon Mari dragged you back stage. It honestly seemed like you two were dating. Mari would always hug you. She would do all sorts of things for your sake. That's most likely because you two grew up together. Even if she was dating Kanan she'd always invite you. Kanan never seemed to mind she loved having you around. You felt more loved by the rest of Aqours more than your own girlfriend. "(Y/n)-Chan! Let's go see your girlfriend!!" Mari dragged you along. 'I don't want to see her. Tell her her fans can have her.' "You don't want to see Dia?" "Huh? No, I want to see her." Mari kept dragging you along till you reached the dressing room. "Hey Mari. Hey (Y/n)." Dia greeted. You ignored her though and went to go talk to the rest of Aqours. "Why is she acting like this??" Dia asked Mari. "I don't know~" Dia's facial expression dropped. "She could be jealous you know." "She has other people to talk to!!!" "Oh~ Is Dia jelly??" "Shut it!" Dia looked away while you talked to Kanan. "We should go diving one day (Y/n)." "Yeah it sounds like a plan." You said excitedly. "(Y/n)~ Come here!!" You sighed and walked towards Mari. "What is it-" She pushed you and Dia together. Causing an accidental kiss. You both hesitated but slowly eased into it. Dia pulled back and scolded Mari. You looked at Mari and she smirked. "Hey!! Don't do that!!" "You've been dating for a while! You guy's haven't kissed once! Well without us forcing you." You sighed. You knew it was true you and Dia never kiss. "I'm going home now. I gotta finish some school work up. See ya."

'BING BING BING' You looked at your phone confused. 'Who would call at this hour?' You thought. Your eyes widened when you say who it was. 'Dia?' You picked up the phone. "Hey Dia.. What's up?" She took a deep breath. "I'm sorry (Y/n) I don't think its working.. I'm breaking up with you." Your heart shattered into a million pieces. "I understand. Have a good day. I just wanted to say it one last time.. I love you." You couldn't take it anymore and hung up. Little did you know Dia was breaking down too. She obviously was still in love with you but doubted you felt anything anymore. She cried all night long. You did the same. What could be fixed now? Your broken.. all because your jealousy. Your jealousy prevented you from doing anything with Dia. You had all those chances but never took any. 'Why does it hurt.. I- I can't.' The pain in your chest you were feeling was unbearable. It hurt more than any pain. You were crying to the point where you can't breathe. After a few hours you finally slept.

~~~Past couple months at school~~~

You were still great friends with Aqours. Just you weren't there for their practices. Seeing Dia made all the pain worse. Mari always tried to comfort you. "(Y/n)~ Wanna hangout with me and Kanan." You looked at Mari with dull eyes. This wasn't the (Y/n) she knew. The (Y/n) she knew would be so energetic. "Sure." "(Y/n) are you ok?" You held back your tears. "I'm not.." Mari and Kanan embraced you into a hug. Kanan drew circles around your back and Mari ran her fingers through your hair. "T-thanks." "Here let's take her to my house." Kanan picked you up and they walked to Kanan's house. Kanan set you on her bed and lightly shut the door. You heard muffled voices. "Yeah.... Call Dia..." You weren't in the right mental state to get up and protest. Few minutes later you heard a familiar voice. That voice belonged to Dia. "Come inside here." They opened the door and pointed towards you. "Can you explain to (Y/n) why you broke up with her." Dia's eyes began to water. You looked at her. "I- I felt like you didn't love me anymore.. I'm sorry I'm clueless when it comes to love but I still love you and I understand if you don't feel the same." "I- I still love you too. I'm sorry I had chances to take you out and to kiss you but my jealousy prevented me.." Kanan and Mari wiped away the tears in their eyes. I sat up and Dia sat next to me. She looked at me and slowly leaned in. I caressed her cheek and pressed my lips against hers. The kiss felt different because it wasn't forced. Her lips were soft. I couldn't help but deepen the kiss. Her lips are like a drug and I got addicted. I pulled back. "Yay!!" Mari shouted and I giggled.

~~~Few years later~~~

"Mari would this ring work??" "Dia would love any ring!!" I giggled and bought the ring. "It looks nice (Y/n)!!" Chika exclaimed. "Very nice." Riko added on. "Thank you for helping me!!" We walked back home and Dia was getting ready for our party we were having. She was wearing a red dress and I was wearing a tuxedo. I slipped the ring into my pocket. Mari gave me a thumbs up. I took Dia's hand and we walked to the party house.


"I have a big announcement to make.. Can I please have Dia Kurosawa up on the stage." I signaled for Aqours to get ready. "Dia I don't want to be girlfriends with you anymore." Her facial expression dropped. I bent down on one knee. "... I want to be something more.. Will you marry me??" She pulled me up and kissed me. "Yes!!" The crowd cheered especially Aqours. Dia hugged me tightly and cried on my shoulder. "Hey. Don't cry." She sniffled and kissed me once again. "Thank you (Y/n) I love you so much." "No way! I love you more." I kissed her forehead. 'This will last.. I can feel it.'

I finishedddddd anyways goodnight everyoneeeee

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