Chapter 1

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A/N:  Here is the first chapter and I'm not wasting anytime.  I'm jumping right in.  I hope you will enjoy it.


Copter takes another drink of beer and then points his finger at me. "I bet you can't."

I don't understand why they think it is such a big deal. I can go without sex if I want to. I just don't want to. What is so wrong with that? They should be thankful. It keeps me entertained and relaxed.

I point my finger back at him. "I bet I can."

Godt chuckles and chugs some beer. He turns towards me. "Are you drunk, Tee? I know for a fact that you can't go without sex. It is like air to you. I don't even want to know what you will be like if you don't get it."

Bas nods his head. "I agree. I like Tee just the way he is." He then turns towards Copter. "Why would you try to make a bet like that with him? What are you getting out of it?"

A smirk pops onto Copter's face as he leans forward and puts his elbows on the table. "Do you know what we have to go through while Tee is off having some fun? Well, I'll tell you. We have to put up with girls non-stop asking where Tee is and when will he be coming back. I'm tired of it and I want it to stop."

I chuckle. "Well, if you ask me, you are just jealous that you aren't getting any, but that is your choice, not mine. I decided a long time ago that I enjoy sex and I'm really enjoying it." I put some emphasis on the word enjoying. I want to rub it in his face that I get all that I want, while he is still a virgin and too delicate. I wish he would go and get himself a boyfriend. Yes, I said boyfriend. Copter doesn't want us to know that he is gay, but Godt and I have already figured that one out. It is pretty easy when Copter doesn't get aroused at any girl regardless of how beautiful they are or how much cleavage that they are showing. I, on the other hand, get fully aroused and enjoy watching them. The best is when I get to taste them.

I think that what really needs to happen is that Copter needs to get laid.

Copter chugs more beers and slams the can down on the table. He looks directly at me and growls, "Well, are you going to agree to the bet or not?"

Godt shakes his head. "I'm completely against this bet. I don't see any problem with what is happening now. Plus, I get Bas to stay with me all the time to help fend off any girl that tries to get too friendly."

Bas smiles and nods his head. "I like being the possessive boyfriend." He turns and looks at Godt. "It, kind of, turns me on." He blushes slightly as he wiggles his eyebrows.

Oh, no. These two are like bunnies. Once they start, you can't get them off of each other, and the others have to suffer by watching them. Ugh... This is one of the reasons that I go and find a girl to help 'relax' me.

I ignore Godt and Bas, as Godt pulls Bas towards him. I don't feel like seeing a live make-out session right now.

I lean forward and I put my elbows on the table. "So, Cop, what are your requirements? I'm sure that you have some ground rules and I want to know what I get when I win this bet."

As Copter goes to open his mouth, a beautiful girl puts her hand down and leans forward and across the table in front of me. Seductively, she asks, "Tee, are you all alone tonight?"

I smirk and I slowly scan her body. Nice. Really nice. Normally, this is why I come to the bar, but unfortunately, I want to prove a point tonight.

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