Chapter 11

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A/N:  Here is the final chapter for this short story.  It is short but I thought we needed to hear from Copter at least once.  I hope you enjoy it.

I want to take a moment to thank everyone who has taken the time to read my story.  I have enjoyed the comments and responding to them.  I'll have to admit that I also enjoyed having some fun with the characters.  I hope that I didn't torture them too much.  hahaha...

This has been an fun topic and I love to approach a concept in a different manner than others.  It may not be the easy path, but it is an enjoyable one.  

I hope to see you at my next story and I couldn't do any of this without the lovely readers like you.  Thank you so much for all your love and support.  ❤❤

Copter POV

"NO! IT CAN'T BE!! THERE IS NO WAY THAT TEE LASTED A MONTH WITHOUT SEX!! I DON'T BELIEVE IT!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I don't care that everyone in the bar is looking at us now. There is no way that Tee did it and after that weekend at the beach, he didn't even complain about going to all those other places with us where there were tons of girls. I know that there is something up. I don't care what you say. There is no way that some hand action can stop his craving for sex to that degree.

I know that he is lying.

Tee smiles and shakes his head. "I didn't have sex with any girl for the last month. I'm telling the truth, so I win the bet. Get prepared to start buying my meals every day for the next month."

I shake my head and growl, "I don't believe it. Is someone going to vouch for you?"

Godt calmly says, "Cop, he says that he didn't do it and we need to believe him. He usually doesn't lie about things like this."

I point my finger at Tee and protest. "He lied just last week about eating my candy bar. Why wouldn't he lie about something like this?"

Godt sighs and shakes his head. "Yes, Tee often lies about food related things. That is just how he is, but when it comes to his reputation and his pride, he never lies about those things, and I believe that this falls into that category."

Bas nods his head. "I agree. I don't think that Tee is lying. Even if he really doesn't want you to drive his car, I still don't think that he would lie about it."

No. I'm not going to believe it. There is no way.

Kimmon and Tae walk up to the table and Kimmon chimes, "What are you talking about? Did someone lie to you?"

As Kimmon sits down next to me, I point to Tee and whine, "I know that Tee is lying. There is no way that he went for a month without sex. He is like a sex addict. He has to have it almost every day."

Kimmon looks at Tee and raises an eyebrow. "I don't know. I haven't known him for as long as you have, but if he says that he made it for a month without having sex, then I believe him."

Tae sits down next to Tee and adds, "With a girl."

Kimmon tilts his head. "What?"

Tae clears his throat. "The bet was that Tee couldn't go for a month without having sex with a girl and he didn't have sex with a girl."

Bas nods his head. "Yeah. We didn't have to worry about Tee being with a guy. He is straight as a pole and to Tee, sex is only with a girl."

Kimmon tilts his head again and looks at Bas. "Are you sure?"

Godt nods his head. "Yes. He has never even been attracted to a guy. We are 100% sure that Tee would only have sex with a girl."

Kimmon shakes his head. "Well, maybe you are wrong. Plus, Tee wouldn't be losing the bet if he had sex with a guy."

I chuckle. "There is no way. Tee definitely wouldn't do a guy."

Kimmon looks at me and smirks. "Maybe the guy did Tee."

I instantly start to laugh. Tee would never let that happen. There is no way. Tee is straight.

Tae raises his voice and asks, "What is so funny?"

Kimmon adds, "Do guys not try to hit on Tee?"

Tee chimes, "I get both boys and girl flirting with me and hitting on me. I normally turn the boys down flat."

I stop my laughing and sit up straight. I look at Tee and ask, "Normally. What does that mean?"

Tae smiles and puts his arm around Tee. "That means that Tee and I are officially boyfriends, and now that the bet is over, I can actually announce it."

Godt, Bas, and I scream, "WHAT!!!!"

Kimmon chuckles, "Well, I'm assuming that Tee was actually getting some action and Tae was the one that he was with, but since Tae is a guy, Tee doesn't lose the bet."

I point my finger at Tee shout, "YOU CHEATED!!! THAT'S NOT FAIR!!!"

Tee smirks and leans into Tae's embrace. "It isn't cheating. The bet was very clear. No sex with a girl."

I don't know what to say. I can't believe that he did this to me. Granted I was purposely taking him to places where there were a lot of girls, so he would fail, but this isn't right.

As my blood begins to boil, I run my hand through my hair. "I'm not buying you anything. You cheated."

Tae raises an eyebrow. "Really. You didn't try to make Tee lose by insisting on him going to places where there were a lot of girls. Isn't that unfair too?"

I try to protest, but Godt cuts me off. "Copter, you tried to play dirty too. As a witness, I'm calling Tee as the winner. You are going to have to pay up."

Bas nods his head. "I agree. Tee is the winner."

No way. I can't believe that I lost. This was a sure thing. I had plans of what I was going to do while I had Tee's car. Dang it. Now what do I do? 

Posted November 18, 2019

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