Chapter 4

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  


Oh, my head hurts. I shouldn't have drunk that much. Wait. Why did I drink that much? I normally don't get drunk like that.

The image of the girl flirting with me suddenly flashes in my mind. Ah, I normally don't stay that long in the bar. I usually leave rather quickly, and I don't usually get a chance to drink that much. Ugh... That stupid bet has another side effect, but I don't like this one. Note to self, I need to stop drinking sooner so I don't get so drunk.

With my eyes still closed, I roll over in the bed, but I suddenly hit something hard. There shouldn't be anything hard in my bed. Wait. I take a whiff, and this doesn't smell like my room. No. This smells different. Where am I?

I slowly open my eyes. Fortunately, the blinds are closed and only a small amount of the morning sun is able to get around them. I glance around the room before my eyes are pulled back to the tan muscular back that is directly beside of me. Well, that is not something I'm expecting. Where exactly am I? This isn't my room, but who's is it.

I try to move backwards and away from the sleeping person in front of me. However, my throbbing headache stops me in my tracks. My effort to keep my head up is making it worse. I slowly lay back down, but I do manage to slide a little farther away from the sleeping guy. This day isn't starting out so good.

Once again, my eyes slowly begin to roam around the room trying to find anything that would give me a sign of who's room this is. My gaze stops at a blue engineering shirt draped over the chair in front of a desk. Okay, so the guy is an engineer, but who do I know that is an engineer. Wait. I don't anyone that well who is an engineer, but Bas did introduce us to a couple of his close friends who are engineers.

Oh, even thinking is making my head hurt. I slowly rub my temples as I try to get my headache under control.

What happened last night? I don't like not knowing. However, I can't really try to think right now.

I glance over to the nightstand and a spot my phone. I reach over and grab it. Ugh. Just moving is making my headache worse. I need some medicine and quick.

Surprisingly, no one has sent me any messages. I sigh and put my phone back. I drape my arm across my face and eyes. What am I going to do now?

The bed moves slightly, but I ignore it. My head is throbbing too much for me to even try and talk to whoever is sleeping beside me.

A familiar voice asks, "How are you feeling this morning? Do you have a hangover?"

With my arm still across my eyes and face, I nod my head. "Yes. Do you happen to have some medicine?"

"Yes. Hold on and I'll get it along with some water."

Keeping my eyes covered, I try to remember which of the guys that I met last night has that voice. The bed rises and the guy gets up. I can hear him walking around the room and then the sounds trail off as the guy leaves the room.

I need to go home, but I don't think I can right now. Why did I drink so much?

I hear the footsteps coming back into the bedroom. "Here. I got you some medicine and a bottle of water."

I finally take my arm off my face and I open my eyes. I nearly choke on my own saliva as I'm greeted with Tae in only a pair of boxers. His tan muscular chest leans in towards me as I try to sit up and look away.

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