Chapter 3

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.


I never dreamt that I would find someone so interesting and alluring when I agreed to tag along with Kimmon. Granted I wanted to see Bas, but I never thought that I would run into someone so feisty and spunky as Tee. I have this sudden urge to tame him.

I know that they said he is straight, but everything that is straight can also be bent if you apply just the right amount of pressure.

I keep glancing towards him periodically. He is so beautiful. I think he is even more beautiful than any of the girls or guys that I've been with before. Oh, I'm just going to keep the little fact that I'm bi to myself for right now. Bas and Kimmon know that I am, but they are busy with their own things right now.

I glance across the table and I catch Kimmon staring at Copter. This is a first. Kimmon has only ever dated girls and he has never even looked at a guy, but that isn't stopping him from staring at Copter when Copter isn't paying attention. Well, I do have to admit that Copter is cute, and those dimples are adorable, but my attention is still pulled to Tee.

My focus is pulled towards the crowd as someone yells, "TAE!! WE ARE HERE!!"

I look up and see the rest of my engineering group walking towards us. I motion my head and shout, "Hey, you finally made it! Grab a seat and a beer! We have plenty on the table!"

Each of them grabs a beer and pulls up a chair around the table. I use my bottle of beer and point to Bas and then Godt. "Guys, this is my friend, Bas, and his boyfriend, Godt. Don't even think about trying anything with either of them. Understand." Bas and Godt nod their heads and chime, "Hi."

My engineering gang nods their head. I then point to Copter. "This is Copter."

Copter raises his beer. "Nice to meet you."

Then I slowly move my bottle to point at Tee. "And this here is Tee. He is off limits."

My gang knows right away what that means. Kimmon raises an eyebrow and looks between Tee and me. "Tae, he just made a bet. That doesn't mean that he is off limits."

Tee smiles and nods his head. "Yeah. I just bet that I could go without sex for a month, but you saw me earlier letting that beautiful girl know that she can come back next month. I'm not off limits. They just have to wait."

Bas chuckles and shakes his head. "Tee, this has nothing to do with the bet. He is telling the guys that you are off limits because you don't swing that way. Really. Now, I know why Copgi is always getting frustrated with you. Your mind is always thinking about sex."

Well, Bas is partially correct, but it also means that Tee is mine. Kimmon should have known that, but clearly his mind is thinking about something else or should I say someone else.

Tee chuckles. "Like I said earlier, if I can't have sex for a month, you are going to have to put up with me talking about it."

Oh, I think I can do more than talk about it, but I don't think he is desperate enough. Maybe by next week, he will be needing his release and I will be able to make some progress. I glance over to Tee and when he isn't looking, I slowly lick my lips. This is going to be fun. I love the chase.

I smile and take a drink of my beer. I wonder what he is like when he is drunk. I have this strange feeling that he doesn't normally get drunk. If that girl earlier is any indication of what his nights in the bar are typically like, than he often leaves before he has too many.

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