Chapter 8

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  


This weekend sucks and it just started. I still can't believe that I allowed myself to be played so badly that I actually drive my friends to the beach. UGH!!! Where was my head? Clearly it wasn't thinking straight.

I grab my bottle of beer from the table and I take a big swig. I don't even think that alcohol can help this weekend. At least my brain has started to think for a little bit, and I managed to stay away from the beach. Well, I wasn't actually lying when I said that I wasn't feeling that good. However, I glossed over the fact that I had sit in the bathroom for several rounds with my hand. Getting some relief helped for a bit, but it isn't the same as actually having sex with a girl. The one good thing is that I only have to please myself and I don't have worry about a partner because there isn't one.

I take another big swig of beer and sigh. How am I going to make it through the weekend? Shoot. I was even getting turned on by Tae earlier. This isn't good.

Copter clears his throat and I look up. I can't control myself as I snap, "What do you want?"

He puts his hands up in surrender. "Hey, I didn't do anything. I was just going to ask if you are feeling better now?"

I glare at him. "What do you think? I was tricked to drive my supposed friends to a beach resort after I explicitly said that I wasn't going to go. Then the first thing that those supposed friends say that sounds like fun is to go to the beach where there are tons of beautiful girls dressed in teeny tiny swimsuits. Let's not mention the fact that I once again told you that I don't want to be around them. Oh, by the way, Cop, do you want to see my hand? I think I'm starting to get callouses. If you haven't figured it out yet, I hate you."

Godt chimes, "There is no need to get all worked up. You were the one that agreed to the bet and now you have to either hang in there or give up."

I shake my head and growl, "I'll never give up! He isn't getting my car for a month! But you don't have to work so hard to break me." I turn my glare towards Godt. "It is almost like you are helping Cop to break me. I don't care if I become the biggest asshole there is. I'm not going to lose. Plus, this is what you get for tricking me into coming."

Bas shakes his head as he puts more food on his plate. "Well, it wasn't that hard to trick you, so don't get so mad at us. Now, let's all calm down and enjoy our meal. This is our first meal together."

Kimmon chimes, "Let's make a toast."

I take another gulp of beer. "Toast to what? The fact that I can't get any?"

Kimmon chuckles and shakes his head. "No. To all six of us having fun together. I'm hoping that this is the beginning of something that we do on a regular basis."

I huff and roll my eyes. I slam the rest of the beer and I set the bottle on the table. "Who says that I'll ever do something like this again with you guys? I don't think I will be so easy to trick the next time."

Godt stops eating and looks at me. "You better be grateful that we are still letting you sit and eat supper with us. You are putting a damper on the mood and we had so much fun earlier."

I take a deep breath and sigh. "What? At the beach? The place where I can't go right now. Shoot, just being in the dinner room of the resort is almost too much for me to handle. Just be happy that I'm still sitting here and eating with you."

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