Chapter 10

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  


I glance down at Tee and I slowly glide my fingertips across his skin. I can't control my smile as my fingers glide over a hickey on his chest. I did that. He is mine. No one else can have him.

My mind wonders back to last night and to our shower. Well, we did end up taking a quick bath after that first round, but I couldn't contain my desire and even though we were still dripping wet, I carried him to the bed where we had several more rounds.

I think he was just as beautiful our final round last night as he was when we first stepped into the shower. I still can't believe that my plan worked. Well, I didn't plan anything. The one thing that worked to my advantage was that we were sharing a room. I don't think I would have had as much success if it wasn't for that.

I don't care what it would have taken. I would have had him give into me eventually.

I did have to calm him down a little after the first round. He thought that he had lost the bid. I had to remind him of what the exact words were for the bid. He bet that he couldn't have sex with a girl for month. Since I'm not a girl, he is still fine with the bet.

Tee surprised me when he smiled after he realized that I'm correct. He could do whatever he wants with me and it doesn't impact the bet at all. It was almost like a weight had been lifted off of him.

However, I wore him out a little last night. Plus, I know he is going to be really sore. Afterall, I'm the first for him. Oh, that sounds nice. I'm his first and I plan on making sure that I will be his last.

I take one last took before I get up and head towards the bathroom. I take a quick shower and I get dressed for the day. I leave a couple pain killers and a bottle of water on the nightstand with a brief note telling him that I went to get food and that I'll be right back.

I walk into the dining room and Godt waves at me. I smile and wave back to him.

As I sit down, I glance around the table. Bas and Copter look like they have a killer headache which is what is to be expected after they both drank so much. However, what catches me off-guard is Kimmon's smile. He is acting like he has managed to win first place in some big contest. Does that mean what I think it means? Well, I'll have to remember to ask him later, but I'll keep my fingers crossed that it is a good sign.

I chime, "Good morning."

Bas sighs and whispers, "Don't be so loud, Tae."

Godt puts his arm around Bas's shoulders and kisses Bas's forehead.

Copter nods his head. "Yes. Please don't shout. Some of us have killer headaches this morning."

I silently chuckle to myself. I hope this doesn't continue on again next weekend or even this evening. However, it is pretty funny when they are drunk. Bas can't keep his mouth shut. Alcohol is like a truth serum and he spills his guts. All we have to do is ask.

Luckily, they have already ordered food. As I begin to put food on my plate, I chime, "Tee isn't feeling good and won't be down for breakfast. I'll take a plate back to the room for him."

Godt asks, "Is it because of the bet? He is getting extremely moody, even more than I thought that he would."

I nod my head. "Yes. Don't worry. I will take care of him. Oh, if he doesn't start to feel better soon, I may drive him back to his apartment this afternoon. Godt, can you and Bas get a ride back with Kimmon and Copter if I leave?"

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