Chapter 5

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.


I pull into Tee's parking lot for his apartment complex and I'm impressed. He isn't living in the normal apartments like the rest of us. Well, even my apartment that I share with Kimmon is better than most of the places that our classmates live in, but this place makes our apartment look like trash.

I try to keep myself from gawking, but I can't seem to stop myself, as I lean forward and look up at the building.

Tee taps my arm and points to the private parking garage. "I have a reserved spot in the garage."

Still trying to take it all in, I turn the SUV towards the private parking garage as I slowly nod my head. I keep glancing up at the building and now, I know why he doesn't tell anyone where he lives or bring the girls here. They would cling to him for sure. That is exactly why Kimmon and I don't live in something nicer. We learned in high school not to show off our wealth or you will have people swarming you trying to sink their ugly claws into you. However, this is one of the nicest apartment buildings that I have ever seen.

Tee hands me a card and I swipe it at the gate. Moments later, the gate opens up and I drive inside the parking garage. Tee continues to direct me to his spot.

I don't waste anytime when I park the car. As soon as I put the car in park and turn off the engine, I hop out and rush to the passenger's side. Before we left my apartment, Tee ended up getting sick and throwing up all the food that he had eaten. However, I didn't want him to leave, but he wasn't too happy to have to stick around for Kimmon to return. So, against my advice, Tee demanded that I take him home.

Before I can get to the passenger's side of the car, Tee opens the door and tries to get out. However, he stumbles. I rush to him before he falls to the ground.

I'm not going to allow him to protest. I grab his arm and throw it over my shoulders while my other hand slides around his waist and I pull him up tight against me. There is no way that I'm going to let him fall and hurt himself. He is too beautiful to have may scrapes on his body anywhere.

Just the thought of Tee hurting himself has images of his gorgeous body flashing through my mind. I had to fight to control myself last night. He was almost like a gift served up on a platter, but I wasn't going to ruin anything by savoring his body when he wasn't even awake. No. I'm not that kind of man.

I want Tee to come to me or at least, I want to watch has his walls crumble down around him right before I devour him whole. I'm sure that it won't be too long before that happens. For a guy that is used to having sex almost every day, he is going to have to do something to get his release and I'll be waiting for that moment.

Right now, though, I'm going to be the good friend.

Once we get into Tee's apartment, I take him into his bedroom and help him lay down on the bed. Without asking, I take his shoes and socks off and set them by the end of the bed.

As I stand up, Tee softly chimes, "You don't have to do that. I can manage on my own."

I shake my head. "I'm not going to leave you like this. I told you before that I'm going to make sure that you are all right before I leave your side. Now, do you want to try and eat something again or do you want to rest?"

Tee lays his head down on the pillow. "I want to rest. My stomach is still churning."

I glance around the room. "Do you want to change into some of your clothes or are you fine in mine?"

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