Chapter 9

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I had to remind myself that this is supposed to be a short story.  So, I can't torture Tee too much.  I don't know why I even give warning anymore.  I have the book rated as mature, but here is a warning.  This chapter is a little hot and steamy.  Read at your own risk.  :)

I hope you enjoy it.


How? Why? My breath hitches and my heart slams hard against my chest.

A warm shiver runs down my body as Tae's warmth engulfs me as he leans his bare chest against my back. SHIT! This isn't supposed to happen.

Tae leans his head in over my shoulder and his lips brush against my sensitive earlobe. A soft moan escapes my mouth before I realize what is happening. "Ahhh..."

SHIT!! NO!!!

I can feel Tae smile as he gently nibbles my neck. I don't even have to look down. My shaft is already starting to throb from the lack of use and no matter what I think of, I can't think of any way for my body not to react. It wants. No. It needs to have a proper release, but not like this.

Tae's deep voice snaps me out of my thoughts as I stand frozen. "I can help to make you feel better."

No. Well, I want relief, but I only like girls. Right. I'm only reacting to Tae because I haven't had a girl in two weeks.

Tae nibbles on my ear as his hands slide across my stomach. I still don't know what is going on or what to do. This isn't how I imagined this night to be.

As Tae's mouth clamps down on my neck and his hands find the waist of my boxer, I'm surprised when I release another moan. "Ahhh... Yes..."

NO!! I didn't mean yes. I meant no.

However, my mouth isn't listening to my mind. It isn't just my mouth, but my whole body is giving into Tae's gentle touches. What is happening to me? I'm straight. I don't like guys. Well, I don't think I do.

I lean my head back, so Tae has better access to my neck. This feels so good.

I have to stop this, but I don't think that I can. My body is acting on its own and I have no control over it.



I think he is finally giving in. I had to control myself when I followed him into the bathroom. I never expected him to get undressed in front of me, but I think he forgot that he isn't alone. I know that he told me that he is going to take a bath, but he didn't even bother to lock the bathroom door or even close it. He is so used to being alone when he is home and it works in my favor this time. That is all I needed to get past that last hurdle.

I slide my hands inside the top of Tee's boxers. I hesitate and wait a second for Tee to protest, but he doesn't, and I can't hold myself as I push his boxers off. I release my mouth's hold on his neck and whisper, "Let's take a bath."

My desire begins to surge as Tee hums, "Okay."


I don't have to worry about my clothes, because I got undressed while following Tee into the bathroom. I'm just lucky that he didn't notice me.

I slide my hands across his stomach and place my hands on his hips. I don't say anything. Instead, I continue to nibble his neck as I push him to the shower.

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