Chapter 6

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  


Well, I have to admit that having Tae over for most of the weekend wasn't as bad as I thought. He didn't bug me and to be honest, I enjoyed him spoiling me. Neither Godt nor Copter ever spoil me, but then again, I don't let them spoil me either.

To be completely honest, it has been several days and I kind of wish that he was at my apartment. When he was around, for some strange reason, I didn't think about sex at all. However, it is the middle of the week now, and I'm getting very frustrated. I'm going on 10 days without sex. This is a first for me since high school. I have never gone this long without sex and I'm starting to go slightly batty.

I glance around the canteen and my eyes instantly zoom in on all the girls' curves, especially their breasts. It has been so long since I've been able to nibble on some. Boy, do I miss it, but I'll die first before I lose this bet.

I know that I tease Copter about using my hand, but up until now, I still haven't broken down and done that, but my willpower is starting to fade. I think I'm going to give in and put my hand into action.

I sigh.

Copter smiles and chimes, "Hey, did I win the bet already? It has only been 10 days."

Godt shakes his head. "Tee, you can't give in yet."

Glancing around the canteen, I sigh. "No. I'm still winning the bet, but my mind just can't stop looking at what I'm missing out on."

Bas chuckles and snuggles up close to Godt. "Well, I'll have to say that I wouldn't be able to stay away from Godt for that long. I would have crumbled already and threw myself on him. I'm proud that you are able to keep going."

I sigh and tear my eyes away from all the girls. I look at Bas and shrug my shoulders. "I really don't have much choice. I'm not letting Copter drive my car. I don't let anyone drive my baby."

A familiar voice startles me. "Oh, but I drove your car this weekend. I guess that I better count myself very fortunate."

Bas widens his eyes and looks at me as he leans forward. "You let Tae drive your car? How? Why?"

I frown as Tae sits down beside me. "I was sick. I had no choice."

Kimmon sits down at the table next to Copter. Tae smiles and holds up two fingers. "Actually, I drove it twice. First, to take Tee to my apartment from the bar. The second time was the next day to take him to his apartment."

I lean towards him and I reach my hand out to his. I move an additional figure up. "No, it was three times. Remember, you went out to get food on Sunday."

Godt and Copter suddenly start choking as Bas points towards me. "You let Tae drive your car, your baby, three times this weekend. The same car that you won't let us drive for any reason."

I nod my head. "Well, I was in the car each time. Granted the first time, I don't remember because I was passed out. Oh, remind me to not drink that much this weekend. Hangovers suck."

Tae smiles and puts his hand down on the table. "I don't think that they will be much help if they are anything like they were last weekend. Godt is the only one that wasn't drunk." He points to Copter and Bas. "Those two were plastered before you. Shoot, Kimmon had to take Copter home because Copter was practically passed out on Kimmon's shoulder."

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