Chapter 7

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and hope you enjoy it.  


WHY THE HELL AM I HERE? I remember explicitly saying that I wasn't going to go with them to the beach. I'm having a hard enough time right now just walking around campus. Shoot, I broke down last night and I finally had to put my hand into action just to relief myself. I thought for sure that I was going to explode if I didn't do something and fast. However, I'm not going to tell anyone. It is a major blow to my pride to let people know that I couldn't handle a month without sex and that I had to resort to self-pleasure to get me through.

I know that I joke with Copter, but that is it. It is just playful banter and teasing. I never had any intention of actually going all hands in, so to speak. UGH!!! THIS IS GOING TO BE THE WORSE WEEKEND EVER!!!!

I sigh as I pull into the parking lot. The worst part of the whole thing is that my friends somehow got me to drive. Well, at least if it gets too much, I can leave and go back to my apartment.

As I pull into a parking spot, I huffs, "I thought I said that I wasn't going to a beach with you guys."

Bas leans forward from the back seat and pats my shoulder. "That is why we couldn't tell you that we had agreed to go to beach. You would have never come."

As I put the car in park and turn off the engine, I chuckle. "Well, at least I can leave whenever I want." I pull the keys out of the ignition and giggle them in the air right in front of their faces.

Tae shakes his head. "I don't think so." Before I react, he snatches my keys from my finger and shoves them in his pocket. "You can't leave until we all leave."

"NO!" I can't control my frustrations. I can't stay here. No. I won't stay here.

Godt chimes, "Yes and don't think of trying to find another way back home. You are going to spend the weekend with us, even if we have to tie you to a chair."


I huff, "We will see," and climb out of the car. Maybe I can lock myself up in my room all weekend. That is the only way for me not to look at all these skimpily clad girls.

My eyes slowly wonder around the parking lot and the front of the resort. Luckily, there really aren't that many girls here, but all it takes a few and I'll be a goner. I'm definitely staying away from the beach. There is no way that I'm going there.


I look at Tae as he sets his bags down on the end of the bed. "Why are you here? I thought I was sharing a room with Cop."

With him still looking at his bag as he begins to unpack, he shakes his head. "No. Kimmon begged me to put him and Copter in a room together and since I was making the arrangements, that meant that you and I would be sharing a room."

I raise an eyebrow. "Kimmon begged you to put him with Copter?"

Still focused on his bag, Tae nods his head. "Yes. He was willing to promise me anything, so I finally gave in."

Anything. Now, I know that something definitely happened that night that he stayed overnight at Copter's room. I just have to find out what.

I take my toiletries out of my bag and I head towards the bathroom. "Did you also plan for us to stay in a room with only one bed? Well, it isn't like we haven't slept on the same bed before, but it isn't something that I normally do. I usually prefer to sleep alone."

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