When All Else Fails

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Seungwan had always thought that she had lived as a decent person.

The worst thing she had done in her twenty-six years of breathing was probably breaking Yerim’s nose.

Accidentally, she swore. In her defence, it wasn’t like the younger girl didn’t deserve it. They were watching a horror movie in Sooyoung’s apartment, and Yerim, being the cheeky little bastard that she was, decided that it was the perfect moment to scare her older friends. Joohyun, the ultimate scaredy-cat, immediately jumped in her place and went ballistic and Seungwan, who was a protective and responsible girlfriend, instinctively did the first thing that came to her mind to eradicate the source of the love of her life’s horror. (No, Seungwan didn’t punch Yerim out of her own fear; It was all for Joohyun, she promised.)
They all ended up in the emergency room. Seungwan paid for all the medical expenses, and Yerim demanded compensation for what she called ‘an emotional trauma from being betrayed by one’s own friend’ so she bought Yerim the latest gaming keyboard and two brand new games. The last part wasn’t exactly voluntary, as Yerim threatened that she was going to go to the police station and press charges if Seungwan didn’t fulfil her demands. Although ridiculous, she was honestly scared that the broken nose girl would actually follow her threat. Yerim could be a little unpredictable oftentimes, and Seungwan didn’t plan to have a record on her name.

This time, however, that particular plan might change, and she might actually end up in the police station.

“I can’t believe you planned for the colours of the balloons, but you didn’t think this one through.”

Sooyoung sighed in frustration, staring at Seungwan, whose mind had overheated after trying to come up with a countless combination of numbers. They had been standing in front of her girlfriend apartment’s door for probably twenty minutes, with two big suitcases filled with props, trying to get in so they could set up for the surprise, but Seungwan apparently forgot the fact that she didn’t know the door’s password.

Yerim, her helpful and loving friend, had searched up on the internet and told Seungwan that she got ten chances to input the door’s password before the automatic security system would inform the guards about a possible break-in into the property.

Seungwan was now on her seventh try, which minimised the chance of getting in Joohyun’s unit because she still had no idea what the four digits number could be. It was only a matter of time before they: give up, turn the security alarm on, or be caught by one of Joohyun’s neighbour and be reported for doing suspicious stuff.
“I tried everything,” Seungwan tried to explain herself to her friends, “her birthday, our first day of dating, her favourite number, our first nighthaving s-” Sooyoung raised her eyebrows, “-serious conversations,” she cleared her throat.

“I don’t know what else to try honestly.”

“If only it were a traditional door with a key lock, then I only need a hairpin,” Yerim murmured. Seungwan turned to the young girl who was sitting down on the corridor’s floor with a questioning look. “What? A girl needs to learn means to survive, you know.”
“Joohyun unnie is like my grandma,” Sooyoung muttered. “She wouldn’t have any complicated password. She can’t even remember her own Netflix password.”

“That’s what I thought too,” Seungwan agreed before she clarified herself, “not the grandma part. Because it would be weird to think of her like that when she’s my girlfriend but the other part.”

“How about proposing to her in this corridor?” Yerim suggested. Seungwan wasn’t sure if the girl was saying it as a joke or seriously.

“I’m not proposing to Joohyun in her apartment’s corridor, Yerim-ah.”
Yerim shrugged, turning her attention back to her phone. Before Yerim could offer other questionable ideas, a familiar tune of a correctly entered password rang through the corridor. Seungwan quickly turned her head to find Seulgi turning Joohyun’s door handle, successfully opening it.

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