Sky 1

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I turn and look at her, she always drools when she sleeps and I hate it so much because its disgusting.

I scrunch my face and turn my head away not being able to take in the sight any more.
Then the snores—soon her legs follow as they land heavily on my waist.

I groan and push it off, huffing out air and lying on my back looking at the ceiling.
Just when I thought it was over Fatima's thick legs land on my tummy and I groan in pain.
She always had a disturbing sleeping habit and I always forget how much I suffer whenever she ends up sleeping in my room.

I push her legs off aggressively out of anger, I get up picking up my pillow and walking over to the couch. At least I won't be kicked on the couch.

Next Morning.

"Ahh!" I shout when something is thrown on my face.

I open my eyes and see Fatima seated on the bed across me, looking at me.
"What did I do now?" I ask rubbing my nose, I wonder why she threw that rock I call a pillow.

"Why are you sleeping on the couch?"
"You practically forced me to sleep here" I sit up.
"It's not my fault"

"That's what you always say—Why did you have to throw that pillow—Don't you know how hard it is?"

"It's the first one I saw and if its hard why do you keep it on your bed?"
"It's better. Soft ones aren't really good for decorating the bed because they're floppy"

"I'm going to go check if the maid has made breakfast. Hurry out" she walks out.

Sometimes it's like I'm the elder sister. My mother had the 4 of us but our last died five years ago, she was 9years. Now, I'm the last. Then of course Fatima and our eldest brother Faisal.


Hafiz's POV.

I park in the parking lot and look over at Kashim.
"So? You ready?" I ask with a smirk.

"Kai! Hafiz I thought you promised your dad you won't just keep blowing money on useless stuff?" He asks worriedly.

"Worry about something else. You know Alhaji, he's just saying it. He doesn't mean what he is saying at all"

"Look you can do whatever you want but I don't want to be dragged into your family drama again, my father still looks at me disgustedly whenever he sees my face. It's too much and that's not a sacrifice I can make, even for you"

"Don't worry it will all be okay soon enough"
He huffs "I hope so" he smiles "Let's go in"

I enter the house and see Mama seated waiting to judge me.
"I'm too tired for this" I say walking.

"Just because you're grown does not mean I won't slap with you back to your senses"

I slowly sit across her.
"With the opportunity you got if you were hardworking and focused you would have been someone by now".

I just stay quiet with my head hung low.
"What kind of example are you setting for your junior brothers and sister? This past few days Lawal has been taking my car out without asking me because his eldest brother was doing the same thing at his age. You better sort yourself out"

"Okay I will"

She sighs "I wish you'd change, I do"
She stands and walks out.

This is my way of life and they just have to accept.


Rahama's POV.

She flings my door open, its like we share this room.
"I'm going out"

"It's late, if Ammi finds out she'll kill us both"

"Don't worry, Idris is the one taking me"
"So? I still don't understand why you let this Idris tell you what to do. You two aren't even married yet"

"Stop asking questions and it's just 8pm, you've just been watching all day on your laptop so you wouldn't know. Anyway I'm going" She walks out.

She is definitely her mother's daughter.


Hafiz's POV.

I sit at my table looking idly at the glass of water the waiter brought 15mins back.
People don't understand you because they never try to, all they do is judge you and through the years I have come to live with that.

That's what I do every night, I come to this restaurant and sit all day looking at my glass, think about how my life is going down the drain.

I turn my head around and make eye contact with a girl, a gorgeous one.
She smiles at me and I smile back.

I turn back to my glass but keep peeping to see if she was still there. It was finally 10pm and my time is up so I got up and walked to the front desk to pay. I paid and turned to see the girl still seated alone looking bored.

"It's getting really late, it's not safe for a lady to be out this late"

She smiles. "Yeah I should be on my way"
I smile back "Can I have your name?"

"Fatima Jema'a"
"Really?" I ask surprised to hear her last name.

"Anyway it was nice meeting you Fatima"
"You too" she says.

I walk out.


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