Sky 11.

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I was reading but I have no idea what the hell it was.
Was this really how I am going to end up?

This Friday will be the day I get married and I have never dreaded anything this much my entire life.

I raise my head and see Hafiz. He looked a bit different. He's wearing his Kaftan in full and even the way he talked seem different. More calm.

"What are you doing here?"
He sits "Let's try to make this work".

I laugh "You and I can never work anything, ever. Just because I had no choice but to marry you does not mean I have to work anything with you. Your face puts me off".

"That's were I draw the line. I respect you so I wouldn't want anything that would change that".

"What's wrong with you? Is this some kind of joke?"
"Do I look like I'm here to joke?"

"You can't just show up one day with a stern face and expect respect to fall from the sky, you have to earn it".

"This conversation isn't about earning it. The only reason you and I are having a civilized conversation is because I respect you but if you continue on this path the mood will have to change".

He stares at me.
"So you've decided to change?" She smiles "Good for you" she says sarcastically.

"I know you love Kashim. If I had known I wouldn't have done what I did. I'm sorry for being selfish and putting myself first".

She just looks at me unsure.
"That's all I came to say". He gets up and walk away.


Rahama's POV.

"Really? Are you serious?" Ya Faisal asks when Fatima hands him his food.

She stares at him confused "You said jollof rice or was it something else?"

"Fatima, does this look like Jollof rice to you? It looks like rice porridge not jollof rice. When are you going to learn how to cook?" he asks giving her back the plate.

"Soon but how are you so sure it doesn't taste good? You haven't even tried it".

"I don't think it's safe for human consumption and look at the amount, is it for all three of us? It's too much".

She pouts "The taste is all that matters, even I can eat this".

"Really? Then eat it"
"What?" she asks.

"You should eat it, finish it. It won't be a problem since it tastes great, right?" he says sarcastically.

"In a heartbeat" she sits next to me and starts eating.
You can tell clearly from her reaction that she wasn't enjoying it, she looks like she's in pain.

"And you--" Ya Faisal turns his attention on me.

"Why are you quiet? You're getting married in four days, aren't most brides always so excited or is it because you're nervous?"

"I wish" I whisper.

"No. I'm just not feeling well. I feel light headed and in pain".
He smiles.

"What is in pain exactly?"
"Everything. Internally and externally".

He turns to look at Fatima who was still struggling with her food.
"Is it worse than this?"

"I doubt it. She looks like she's suffering horribly" I laugh.

"Rahama come help me" she pouts.
I stand "Nope, not me" I leave.


I groan.
Farouq throws a pillow at me "How is getting married a bad thing?"

Laila and I gasp in horror.
"How can marrying an ugly bastard be a bad thing?" She asks.

"I know right".
He stares at us like we are crazy "I can't handle you two right now. My brain can't handle something so complicated" he gets up from the couch and walks out.

Laila lies down next to me on the bed.
"So? Shouldn't you be doing something right now? Something wedding related?"

"I told Ammi that I'm going to make my hair and henna too".

"Alone? Like a loser?"
I glare at her "Of course not. I told her I'm picking you up".

She rolls her eyes "When will you stop using me? Eh? You should pay me first".
"But you're seriously coming with me fah".

"Cool. I wanted to braid my hair anyway, it's been like this for over two months now".

"Okay let's go"


I walk in our filled up house.
Family members from other states are here for the wedding and it's exhausting that Fatima and I have to entertain them.

It's really annoying that they keep saying 'Rahama is getting married? I remember when she would walk around with her pampers' I wish I could shut them up.

I lie down on my bed.
Laila enters the room dragging her suitcase.

"You're here earlier than I expected"

She smiles "Immediately I got home after dropping you off Mummy told me to get over here as soon as possible so I packed up and she brought me here".

"Where is she?" I ask sitting up.
"Having a conversation with the other older women".

She sits on the couch across me. "So? Have you spoken to your groom?"

"No. Why would I?" I ask.
"Well you two will officially be married tomorrow. God! I would have never thought you'd get married before me" she laughs.

"Me too. While you're making your plans God is making his right?"

"But don't you have a picture of him? Even just one?" she asks hurrying over and grabbing my arm with a smile.

"No I don't".
"Doesn't he have an Instagram account? Twitter? Facebook?"

I stare at her "Who uses Facebook now? But no he doesn't have any social media accounts".

"Wow. Why not?"
"I don't know, it's not like we talked about it"

"I respect that. I love a man who isn't into social media, it means he can really set his priorities straight if he wants to".

"Uh huh" I say absentmindedly.
"Don't pretend like it's not one of the many reasons you respect Kashim".

"It's not like I denied it".

"Come on. Let's go get some food before those people finish everything".

"Okay" we hurry out.


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