Sky 3

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Madina sent me the picture and I posted it. Faisal was beside me working on his laptop.

"So what are you working on?" I ask trying to peep.
"Something you won't understand" he pushes my head "With your big head"

I laugh.
"Me? Me? Rahama? Your baby sister?"
He starts laughing "You really have nothing to do"

Ammi walks in looking at us with a disgusted look on her face, we knew she was about to complain. I silently tap Faisal, he smiles when he sees her.

"Look at you two. Always at home doing nothing" she turns to Ya Faisal "You're going to be 29years in a few months Faisal, when are you bringing home a wife?"

"Ammi not now please. I'm busy with this 3D model"

"Okay so you're telling me you and Rahama weren't just playing around right before I walked in?"
We both stay quiet looking at her.
"Whatever! What are you making for dinner?" She asks me.

"I was going to ask you"
"Let's go to the kitchen, leave your brother to work".


Hafiz's POV.

It's like these old men forget I'm driving and I have ears, they just keep blabbering on and on about their childhood and troubles from their children but I haven't heard anything about Fatima, only that she's more troublesome than any of his children. I don't really care, all I want is her and only her.

After dropping off Baba's friend in his house baba finally decided to join me by sitting on the passenger side of the car.

"I hope you weren't eavesdropping" he jokes
"You two practically forced me to do so"

"Makes sense"
"Anyway—Have you spoken to him about her?"

"Yes I have but we'll have to sit and discuss it further because marriage isn't just something you can decide on without looking at both parties and their problems"

"But you can see him tomorrow at his house. I will be traveling, so I'm taking the 6am train. That means I won't be able to see him so you'll represent me. Are you with me?"

"Yes sir".
"And Hafiz"
"Yes, Baba?"

"Please no English wears"
I smile. I'll try.



So that will be it for this chapter because there was an error and I couldn't get it fixed.

My apologies, just slide to the next chapter.

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