Sky 2

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I look out my window and smile, that kind of smile that genuinely means you're over what happened in the past. I am obsessed with taking pictures, photoshoots. Some of my friends call me a celebrity even though I know they are just teasing me.

"Are you ready?" the photographer asks and I nod with a smile.
I actually model for some designers and even make up artists, it's fun and I get paid even though I would do it without the pay.

After taking the shoots I walk over to Madina, the designer. She and I have know each other for 4years.

"You look pretty" She says looking at the pictures.

"Come on" I scoff "that's nothing new"
She laughs.
"Where's Fatima? She didn't come for trouble today?"

I laugh "Of course she is just not here"
"Typical—Anyway your phone has been ringing I think you should check it out"

I nod and walk over to the table I kept my purse. And of course it was a missed call from Bashir, my boy friend.

He and I have been dating for just 4months and I don't like him at all, no matter how hard I try. Fatima dated his friend a few years back and that's how they met, suddenly out of nowhere he asked Fatima to set us up and since my sister knew I would decline she just told our mum and our dear mother told me to give it a try.
We've only know each other for a few months and he is talking about marriage.

It's exhausting.
I groan and walk back to Madina.
"It's Bashir, I'll just call back later".


Hafiz's POV.

I still can't forget that girl no matter how hard I try to. Her smile is addictive and I can't get it out of my head. I know her name and I think I might know who she is but I'm not sure how to go about the whole thing.

"Ya Hafiz can you please take me to school? It's our picnic and Ya Lawal already left with Mama's car, the driver couldn't make it today" Ameera asks. She's my youngest sister, she's in ss3 almost a graduate.

"Did he ask mama before he took the car out?" I ask her sitting up.
"I don't think he did"

"Okay finish up quickly, I'll wait in the car"
"Thanks" she hurries back in.


I sit patiently waiting for Ameera to come out.  As usual I was wearing a V neck shirt and black jeans, using my phone.

"You're going out?"
I raise my head and see Baba standing across me.
"I'm taking Ameera to a school function"

"Okay. What about Lawal and Auwal?" he asks. Auwal is my immediate younger brother in his final year while my dumb brother Lawal is still in that phase were he feels disrespect and torn jeans are cool, he's in his second level.

"I haven't seen Auwal since last night but Lawal went out with Mama's car".

"Okay. When are you going to have something to do in this house?" he asks crossing his arms.
"It's Saturday, there's no work"

"And I don't know that? What are you doing?"

"I know this is about marriage Baba and I just want a week at least, please" I beg.

"Do you have someone?"
"I want to be sure of her—I'm not really sure she feels the same"

"What's her name?"
"Fatima Jema'a" I answer back cooly.

"Jema'a? That's—" he stays quiet "Come see me when you get back"

Ameera walks over smiling at me.
"Let's go?"

"What time are you supposed to be back?" baba asks her.
"It ends by 6:30pm but Ya Lawal will pick me up by 4:00pm"

"Okay. Becareful and have fun" baba says smiling at her before walking in.
She is our only sister and the last born, she's never going to find it easy. We all treat her differently.

To me, she's my baby sister who always has be to be my mother's side to learn and keep company. She can't learn much from us, since we're male so all she has is our mum. I joke with her but there are boundaries to everything and I'm protective of her. Auwal rarely smiles with Lawal and Ameera. He's an extremist so he's very overprotective of her while Lawal is the type that feels as the only female she has to clean, cook and do as he says. I think it's because he lacks power in the house so he tries to enforce everything on her.

Auwal and I are close, we're always together when we're at home but Lawal—It's like he has different parents. I rarely talk to him but Auwal really knows how to keep him on his toes.

"Okay Baba" she says getting in the passengers seat.
I get in the car and drive off unable to take the heated conversation but I have successfully managed to get the whole thing in baba's head.

There is no way he doesn't know that name. 'Jema'a'. That's the last name of one of his childhood friends and he's the only one I know with that last name and I know a lot of people so there is an 80% chance she's actually his daughter.


I keep my eyes glued to the rug.
"And you're sure she's the one you want to marry? Not the other one?" Baba asks.

"Yes I'm sure. I want no one else but her".
"Then find out—I don't like games just talk to the girl and find out if your feelings towards her are reciprocated".

I get the game he is playing, Baba isn't a transparent person but when it comes to the whole marriage thing I'm a pro at it. But I'm going to play along, because I don't see myself with anyone else".

"Baba—I'm asking this as a favor—I want you to at least talk to her father. You two grew up together. Please"

He smiles.
"Of course we did. But I can't tell my friend to marry off his daughter to an irresponsible man, you're 29 years and you still act like you're Lawal's age. I'm not sure I want that for anyone"

"I promise I'll change. I will"

"I'm not so sure about your promises" he shakes his head with a smile.

"Baba I have never ever asked you for a favor nor have I ever promised you anything but I will keep my word. I just want his daughter and no one else"

"Okay. Since this seems important to you. I'll talk to him and do all I can"

"Thank you Baba"

He waves his hand in doting I should leave.
Even though I know its a plan I still went with it because I want it badly, I know its too much since I only saw her once but its love at first sight. I always laughed when I hear that, I thought it made no sense but I was wrong.


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