Sky 12.

596 102 1

I sit as people just kept congratulating me.
It felt like hell, pure hell.

I look at Ya Faisal who was standing beside me, he looked worse than I did and that hurt me even more.

Fatima on the other hand was enjoying the attention and everything that came with it. She was more excited than the bride and Ammi kept telling me to smile and look happy but I can't pretend.

I sat down on my bed surrounded by my cousins, friends and family. It felt so surreal. Like a dream.

Laila comes in.
"Excuse me, I have to fix her veil" Laila tells the girl seated beside me. I didn't even know the girl, at all.

She sits and smiles at me "You ready?"
"Ready for what?" I ask.

"Ammi told me to get you. Apparently your husband will be here any second and I should get you".

"What? But we're not leaving until after Isha later".

She frowns "Change of plans"
"Okay" I huff "it's better to get it done and over with".

We walk outside.
Everyone was already waiting, including my mother and siblings.

I stand inside the gazebo with Laila beside me.
"Don't worry everything is going to be fine, if you need anyone just call me" she says with her eyes filled with tears.

"Please don't do this, if you continue I'm going to cry and right now I'm just trying to be strong"

"Okay, sorry I won't cry" she wipes her tears. Damn! She's so emotional.

"He's here" she whispers.
I raise my head and see Hafiz greeting Ammi.

She slaps my arm.
"You said he isn't good looking". She gasps "He's sooo fine".

"That?" I ask pointing at him, he looks at me and raises his eyebrows and continues talking.

"Yes. Him. He's even finer than Kashim, why are you complaining when you're getting married to someone that fine. I'm jealous".

I stare at her like she's crazy.
"Why are you looking at me like that? It's true. God! He's coming over here. Be cool! Be cool!" she says freaking out.

"Yes of course 'I' should be cool" I reply back sarcastically.

"You don't look happy" he says forcing a smile.
"Neither do you" I say back.

"Shall we?" he asks giving me his hand.
I hold it and let him lead me away.

We walk inside the house.
Not a word was exchanged since he held my hand.

"Do you know around the place or should I give you a tour?" he asks.

"I'm so exhausted and it's already after six. Can we pray and rest first?" I ask pleadingly.

"Of course. I'll change and go to the mosque so make sure you lock the door when I leave".

He starts walking then stops and turns around "Let me show you to your room"

"Oh okay"


I groan and slowly sit up.
This wedding and everything has made my whole body sore. Now I can enjoy myself and rest without Abbi or Ammi telling me anything.

I smile just thinking about it.
I get up and quickly run to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I enter the kitchen and found Hafiz seated on the kitchen island deep in thought with a cup in his hands.

"I doubt the island is for sitting, isn't that why there are chairs around it?" I ask entering the kitchen and opening the fridge to get some eggs.

"I already made you tea, I was going to call you but got distracted" he says.

Of course he'll call me and not take it to me.
I pick up my so called tea.

"Hafiz, what is this?" I ask.
He turns and looks at me "It's gotten cold right?"

"I wish. You didn't even finish making the tea".
"I did" the serious look on his face made me agree.

"Without milk? And its practically tasteless".

"That's how I take my tea" he says tilting his cup so I can see it.

I gasp "How can you take your tea like that? Does it even taste good? It's tasteless".

"Yeah. Mama always wonders that too but you'll never understand the feeling of taking tea like this". He smiles.

"Feeling?" I scoff "Let me make proper breakfast. If we continue taking your tea we'll become skeletons soon enough".

"I don't eat eggs".
"Okay, what about sausages?"

"I don't eat sausages".
"Fine. Toasts?"

"I don't eat burnt bread".
"Burnt? Really? What about bread and butter, is that fine with you?"

"I don't eat butter, it has too much fat".
"What do you eat exactly? Huh? You don't eat anything I suggest"

"Peanut butter".
"Unfortunately we don't have that".

"That's why I was taking my tea".
"Make sense why you resemble a skeleton".

He gasps.
I smile, there is no way in hell that Hafiz resembles a skeleton. No way! But I like Teasing people and I know comparing him with a skeleton will sadden him.

"Me? A skeleton? That's a sin" he says getting off the kitchen counter.

"Make me the egg" he says before walking out.

I laugh. He gets so defensive.


He holds the mop.
"What are you doing?" I ask.

"I'm going out for a while, I'll be back before you know it"

"Okay then. You should go with your keys because I plan on the locking the door immediately you walk out".

"Okay that's fine".


I get my rock box and connect with my phone.

I prefer working and listening to music, it's like it makes working faster, especially singing along.

That's when I remembered I didn't even know what to make, I'm okay with anything but I don't know about Hafiz, he seems like a really picky eater.

So I just went with my Guts to make rice and stew, it's the one food I know alot of people enjoy eating, I hope he does too.

"When you hear my heartbeat baby, you gave me new life, you gave me new birth. I feel your heartbeat away. I be losing my mind....In this universe.....I got Youniverse" I dance.

I turn around and see Hafiz looking at me amusedly.

"Uh---" I trail off completely embarrassed.
"With this much noise how can you hear the doorbell?"

"Uh...I can"
"I tried knocking but you didn't answer, was it the noise or did you just decide to ignore me".

He knew I was embarrassed, I'm actually glad he's forgetting my fucked up dance moves.

"You didn't knock right".

He leans on the door frame. "So what's for lunch?"
"Rice and stew".

"My favorite" he smiles.
"Are you serious?" I ask with a bored expression.

"Of course. I'm going to go change, this kaftan isn't so comfortable" he walks out.

Before I could turn around he walks back in "Don't mind me, continue with that great performance" he smirks and walks out.

"Ugh! So embarrassing".

Am I the only one who prefers working while music is playing? It makes it less boring and more interesting☺

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