Sky 5

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Hafiz's POV.

I turn and look at Kashim, normally asking him for anything has never been a problem but right now I'm finding it very difficult. After leaving his friend's house we just drove over to his house. I didn't want drama from mama today so I decided to stay over at his place, I have some of my things here anyway.

"So—How do you know that girl?" I ask him. He was too busy eating his kettle cooked indomie he didn't hear what I was saying.

"Yo!" I call out again.

"How do you know that girl?"
"Rahama? I told you about her multiple times, the girl I met at the airport"

"Oh" I reply back.
"But although it's not surprising-/How do you know fatima?" he asks before pushing his half done indomie infront of me.

I shake my head and he pulls back his plate eating.
"She's the girl I told you about—The girl I met at the restaurant".

He looks at me surprised "So you fell in love with Fatima Jema'a?" I nod "Forget about that her"

"Why should I?" I ask.
"Because she is crazy and she is also madly in love with the guy you saw her with, they are inseparable"

I laugh "Come on it's me. I know what I'm doing"

"Okay, if you say so"

"Anyway what's up with you and that Rahama girl anyway? What's going on?"
"The girl is really cool and funny. I like being around her"

"So you like her?" I ask raising my eyebrows.
"I really don't know. I've never thought of it that way"

"What if she likes you?"
"I don't think she does but that'd be disappointing—She seems uninterested and that interested me"

I groan "You're stupid. That makes no sense" I get up "I'm going to sleep, I have a meeting early tomorrow morning" I walk in.


Rahama's POV.

I couldn't stop thinking about what Farouq told me last week, I wanted to see if it really works but baba has made it his priority to keep me busy these past few days, I wish he'd do the same to Fatima, my only savior, Faisal is still not back yet.

I wore a blue shirt and black yoga pants, it's what I usually wear at home. Immediately I come back from checking out my diary farm baba calls me, I did not even take my shoes off.

I walk in and see him seated with a friend.
After greeting both men I sit by the side.
"This is my daughter Rahama, the one I told you about"

"Ah! Well I feel we are making the right decision. Right Rahama?"
I just smile back, what would I have said anyway?

"You can go"
I stand and leave.

I meet Ammi and Fatima seated in the living room watching. I slouch on the couch.
"You look tired go and rest" Ammi suggests.

"I have to cook first"
"What is your sister here for? She'll cook, you just take your bath and rest. You've been in the farm all day"

"Okay" I nod.
"What am I going to cook anyway?" Fatima asks with a pout.

"Whatever your father wants Fati" Ammi says back to her.
"I will ask him after his friend leaves"


Hafiz's POV.

Abba called me to his living room. I sit across him on the carpet.
"I saw the girl today and honestly I prefer her. She's perfect for you, you have different personalities so you'll be able to set each other straight"

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