Sky 9

622 103 7

I couldn't sleep at all. After our confession yesterday things got seriously awkward and now just like Hafiz I'm thinking of ways to make sure we don't get married.

I sit in the gazebo waiting for my so called fiancé, I had to call him so we would plan everything properly.

"So? Why the urgency to see me?" he asks when he sits.

"You and I both don't want to get married to each other, isn't that right?"

"Yeah, so?"
"You and I have to find a way to make sure it doesn't pull through"

"I thought you were okay with it? Why the sudden change of heart?"

"I only agreed because I wasn't in my right senses but I like someone else too and I can't marry you when there is someone out there who actually and genuinely loves me".

"So? There's someone who wants to marry you? As in a guy?"
"Of course a guy. I just want us to end any thought of us being married as fast as possible before it escalates".

"Okay. What do you have in mind?"
"I'll try talking to my father, that means there will be alot of bad things said about you, do you agree?"

"Bad things like what?"
"The truth".

"Can you give me time to think about it? Telling people horrible things about me means my image will be shattered so I have to think about it"

"Understandable. Please just get back to me?"
"Okay. I will".


Rahama's POV.

"I think you should agree" Dawud tells me.
"What do you mean? Ruin my image? "

"No. I meant you should marry her".

"What?! You're crazy".
"I'm only telling you this because I know Fatima like the back of my hand. If she is forced to break up with idris to marry you, I'm telling you she will make your life a living hell. She loves that man too much. Where as, Rahama is single, decent and she might actually whip you in shape. She might not be as curvy or as outgoing as Fatima but I think you should just marry her".

"It is true, Fatima has the curve of an angel but apparently Rahama has someone else, now she wants me to help her help us".

"So that was why she was asking about ruining your image? Although she'll only be telling them the truth they might find out eventually". He pauses "Maybe it's better for you to actually marry her. You have reached a point in your life where you can't keep playing games. Talk to Rahama and do things right"

"I'm going to be honest with you, when she told me someone else loves her and wants to marry her, I felt weird. Like I wanted her for myself and not that guy. The fact that another guy is out there feeling heartbroken made me actually have interest in her".

"Then do the right thing. Grow up because all our friends are either married with kids, married or actually going somewhere with their lives. Don't be the only one left behind".

"Are you saying that because you're married with a child?"
He laughs "Partly... Yes"


Rahama and I sat down on the carpet across her father and mine.
She was obviously nervous but I already have everything planned, I know I'm about to really disappoint her but I know she'll understand.

"So? You wanted to talk to us together, what is it?" Baba asks us.

She looks at me. Based on our plan I was supposed to start talking.

"Well, Rahama and I talked and we have come to a final conclusion".

Her father looks at her then back at me "And what did you conclude exactly?"

"We are okay with your arrangement" she turns around and looks at me, shocked "We have thought about it and we want to get married. We can't defy you two. Your decisions matter so much to us. It took us a while but we're ready and we don't even need a celebration, the Daurin Aure is fine with us".

They both smile.
"But--" her father cuts her off.

"Rahama I'm so proud of you. You have always been the most obedient. And you always make me proud. I wish your sister was like you".

She stays quiet and looks at me "Yes".

"Can you please excuse us?"
"Of course"

I close the door and lean on it "Ugh!"
"What was that? Was that what we agreed on?" She asks frustratedly.

"I did what I thought was right. Imagine how bad your father would feel if you had said that to him. You're obviously his favourite and he's proud. How would he feel that you'd defy him for the first time in your life because of a guy who recently just confessed".

She just stares at me "I've always known he likes me".
"Doesn't matter now, does it?"

"You should go wait for your father outside. I have things to do" she walks away.


Rahama's POV.

He parks his car and walks over.
"Sorry I couldn't show up earlier, I didn't leave the office until after 8". Kashim says smiling.

"It's okay".
"So? You said you and Hafiz have found a way to untangle yourselves from this mess?" he asks as his smile widens.

"Yes we did. Everything would have most probably worked out perfectly".

"What? Would have?"
"Hafiz changed his mind. And without him on board I couldn't say anything".

"Wait" he says taking a step back. "Just wait".

I stay quiet.
"What are you trying to say Rahama? You're still getting married to Hafiz? Why didn't you say anything?" he asks getting furious.

"What was I suppose to do? Abba talked about how proud he has always been of me and how he wished Fatima was like me, how could I just say anything after that".

"That's your problem, other people always come before yourself".

"He's my father, he should".

He takes a deep breath trying to calm down. "But I really want to know what made him change his mind. He was so focused on marrying Fatima".

"I don't know".
"Are you sure you didn't want it too?"

I just stare at him "Maybe we don't know each other as much as I thought we did" I smile "It's getting late I should go in".


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