Sky 13.

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Our first night in our home Rahama and I had an agreement.

: We would be patient with each other, be as understanding as possible and we let the past be.

So far so good.

I walk out of the car looking around. She said the person who sells it is around here but there are about three people here, which one is it?

What's so special about one person, watermelon is watermelon anyway.

"Hafiz?" I turn around and see Sadiha, Kashim's cousin.

"What are you doing here?" She asks smiling.
"I just came to get something, what about you?" I ask.

"We are on our way to see someone at the hospital and decided to buy some fruits".

"We?" I ask.
"Kashim and I"

And almost immediately he comes out of the car and comes over.
"Oh. Anyway it's good to see you Sadiha"
I say trying to end the conversation.

"What's up with you two?"
"Nothing. How have you been?" I ask him.

"Good. What about you?"
"I'm okay".

"Wow! What's with the formality?" She asks.
"I should get going" then I remembered something "Is this where you buy your fruits?" I ask her.

"Yes, why?"
"I don't really know how to choose watermelon, can you help?"

"Sure but when did you start taking watermelon? I thought you hated it?"

"Oh they're not for me"
"Okay of course let's go".


Rahama's POV.

I stare at them.
"Are we going to start selling watermelon now?"

Hafiz bought a lot of it, I mean plenty.
"Instead of going back everyday to get it, I decided to buy all this and the man gave me unripe ones too so they wouldn't rot".

"You don't even take it, what am I supposed to do with all this?"

"Watermelon juice? Watermelon jam? Watermelon cake? Fruit salad?" he suggests smiling.

"Yes but have you ever eaten watermelon cake?"
"No but I doubt it's nothing that can't be made, right?"

"Okay but you're helping me out, I can't take all this myself" I say.
"No thanks".

"No way".
"I'm more of a pineapple and orange kind of guy".
"Doesn't matter".

He smiles awkwardly "I thought you'd be grateful".
"I am. I'm just thinking about the fact that it might get spoilt and let's face it wasting food is haram".

"Fine" he says surrendering "I'll drink your watermelon juice but you have to add pineapple".

"Okay fine"
He walks out of the store.


I turn down the volume and pick up Farouq's call.

Farouq? How far?

Rahama we need to talk.

What's wrong? Did something happen?


What's wrong? Is she okay?

She's fine but I prefer to talk to you face to face not over the phone, can I come over?

Of course, I'll text you the address.

Okay, thank you.
He ends the call.

"What now?" I murmur.
"What's wrong?" Hafiz asks closing the book he's reading.

"I'm not sure yet".
"Anyway, I'm going to resume the office, will you be okay at home alone?"

"Yeah. What choice do I have anyway"


Farouq takes a sip of his watermelon juice. Which has been very useful with guests.

"So? What happened?" I ask curiously.
"Laila came to see me at my house, uninvitedly"

I think I know where this is headed and I know I'm not going to side with him.

"Rahama she saw me with someone else".

I groan "Why? Why would you cheat on her in the first place?"

"I wasn't cheating"
"Is that an excuse?"

"It was khadija".
I stay silent.

"Okay. Did you explain it to her?"
"She doesn't know about Khadija".

"What?!" I stand up abruptly "I told you to tell her"

"Only you and I know about her. And she just showed up out of nowhere with a child".

I freeze. " A child?"
"Yes. Laila overheard her telling me about it and she ran out, I went after her but she drove off. I tried calling her phone but she didn't pick up, so I called you immediately. You know how Laila can be when she's angry, I don't want her to do anything she will regret".

"Okay so Khadija left?"
"Unfortunately yes but she left the child with me".

"No! No! No! You shouldn't have accepted the child just yet"

"I didn't have a choice. She ran away when I followed Laila".

"Okay. What are we going to do now??"
"I don't know" he huffs frustratedly" I can't take care of a child, the girl is only four and I can't take her to my parents or siblings, not until I take a DNA test".

"Yes. If you're not the father you can take them to Khadijah's parents. It's good that you know her parents house".

"What if I'm the father?"
"Then we'll know what to do. Where is the child now?"

"She's in the gazebo outside playing"
"You should go and stay with her I'll join you soon".

Immediately Farouq goes out Hafiz pops out.
"Sorry I overheard your conversation".

"What should I do?" I groan.
"She can stay with us".

"Yes. At least until he finds out what is really going on".

"But I don't know how to take care of a four year old child".
"Don't worry" he says and walks back in.

Don't worry? Don't worry? How can I not?


The girl is so cute.
She sits on my lap.

"So what should I do?" he asks frustratedly.
"She'll stay with us"

"What? Rahama you can't make a decision without your husband".

"My husband was the one who suggested it".

He stares at me.
"Yeah he did" I say.

"Thank you so much. I'll do all I can as soon as possible".

"Don't worry. Where are her thibgs?"
"I'll give the gateman her suitcase before I leave".

He stands. "I thought you said you married a horrible man?"

"I thought I did too".
"Don't make the same mistake I did" he smiles and walks out.


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