Sky 8

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Rahama's POV.

I keep staring at the picture.
I have been looking at it all week and I'm still not over everything, how can I?
"It's sad" Laila says when she joins me in the living room.

"What is?" I ask pressing the power button on my phone so she wouldn't see it.
"Don't waste your time hiding it, I've already seen it".

I groan "How can I marry Hafiz when I still love Kashim? Why are my parents doing this? His parents want me to marry him so I can change him but my parents should also want the best for me
I take off my head tie and throw it at her.

"It's not my fault. Wait!" she says like she just thought of something.

"What if Kashim is being hysterical because he doesn't want you to get married to Hafiz?"

I burst out laughing.
"Of course he doesn't, were you even listening to what I was saying?"

She stands from her seat and sits next to me.
"What if he really cares about you but not as a friend. If not why would he be that pissed?"

"Because he thinks I deserve to be with someone better than Hafiz"
"And that person is him?"

I stay quiet.
"I'm not telling you to get your hopes up or talk to him about it, I'm just saying what if there is a possibility that he really loves you? Are you willing to move on with that doubt?"

"I never had the doubt until you just said it".
"Don't lie, I'm sure you've wondered".

I sit up "I already got my answer from someone else".
"But not him. It's not going to hurt to try".

Thinking about it she's right, I didn't hear it from him and finding out won't make a difference since I am getting married to Hafiz.

"Call him".

I quickly get my phone and call him.
He picks it up before it even rung twice.

"Hey, you good?"
"I feel I should be asking you that"

"Why me? I'm okay"
"Alright. Anyway can you please come pick me up from Laila's? She and I went somewhere with her car so I didn't bring mine. Please".

"What about your betrothed? Why didn't you call him?" He asks curiously.
"You know it's not like he and I talk, we don't even get along"

"And yet you are willing to marry him"
"Please? I have no one else to call but you. Please"

"Okay. I'll be there in twenty"
"I'm waiting. Thanks"

He ends the call. I sit there not sure what to do or say when he gets here, maybe calling him was a mistake.

"Don't worry everything will be okay" Laila assures me.


I come out and see him standing by the door, he looked deep in thought.
"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. Where is Laila?" he asks.
"You know how lazy she can be, she doesn't want to get up"

"Okay let's go"
I was trying to make everything seem normal and not awkward but he was making it very very difficult.

We get in the car and he starts driving.
After preparing for minutes I speak up.
"Are you going to keep behaving this way?"

"What way?"
"You're acting different, did I do something wrong?"

He scoffs "You're okay with marrying Hafiz, that shouldn't be the case".
"I can't go against my parent's decision. You know that".

"I never told you to but—" I cut him off.
"—And why should I anyway? It's not like I have anyone who wants to marry me and I'm not getting any younger, am I? I can't just decline without a reason. So I'm getting married to him" I say hoping what I just said might get something out of him.

He huffs and parks the car. When I agreed I thought he would keep driving but parking? That will just make things more intense.

"Sometimes I really feel you're daft"
"What?" I ask getting pissed.

"Do I have to say it in words?"
"Say what? Huh?"

He looks at me in disbelief and starts driving. If I had known things would be turn out like this I wouldn't have agreed to this.

He parks the car outside our gate and says nothing, he seemed eager to see me go and I was heartbroken.
"Thanks" I was about to open the door when he spoke up.

"I like you".
I stay quiet, I don't even turn to look at him, I was in shock.

"I'm not angry at you for agreeing to marry Hafiz, I'm angry because all my effort to prove my feelings for you always went down the drain. You never noticed it. I always leave whatever I'm doing when you call, I always give you whatever I can even when I don't have much, you're always my priority, like a fool I always try to immerse myself in your life always trying to get along with everyone you love, I know things about you that you don't know about yourself, I call you all the time because I always miss you when we're apart, anytime we have an argument or a fight I feel like my life is crashing, I always tell you, I always show it, I never hide it but you never notice. It's not your fault and that's why I'm so pissed, because I was the one who kept wasting time, afraid that if I confessed we wouldn't even be friends" he stays quiet.

I turn around and look at him.
"If you had done all that then you would have known that I like you too".

He looks at me shocked and completely out of it.
"As surprising as it is, it's true. But I was afraid you didn't feel the same".

Cont'd next chapter

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