Sky 6

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I'm not going to lie, I admit this Rahama girl is beautiful but she is not my type, she's Kashim's type, he and I have completely different taste in women.
She sat beside me in the passengers seat using her phone, she seemed uncomfortable so I guess I'm not the only one.

"So how do you and Kashim know each other?" I ask trying to make conversation with my soon to be sister in law.
"At the airport lounge" she says back looking out the window.

"You should turn right when you get to that junction"

I nod back.
"Why did you choose a diary Farm instead of a poultry farm?" I ask not even sure what I was saying.

"I don't know I just preferred it and it's weird because I always have a reason for everything I do".
"So what's your reason for being friends with Kashim?"

I turn around to look at her and I see her staring at me like I am as stupid as my question.
"Because we're friends"
"So you don't like him?"

"I do but as a friend, I don't see him any other way"
"Oh okay. At least you two feel the same about each other".

I turn around to see her reaction but she seemed completely unbothered by what I just said.
"So what's your reason for this sudden interest in Fatima?"

"She's different"
"it's agreeable but since you are Kashim's friend I'll tell you this—Fatima is dating someone and she'll never break up with him because he was her first boyfriend and the only guy she has ever loved, she's practically obsessed with the idea of marrying him" I park the car, she continues "I'll advise you leave before your heart is broken. Thanks for the ride" she picks up her bag and leaves, just like that.


I can't help but keep thinking about what that girl told me, normally I wouldn't give a crap what anyone would tell me but I was afraid yet persistent on marrying her, maybe this is a curse.

I was completely zoned out I didn't know when Abba walked in.
"So did you meet her?" Abba asks sitting on his favourite arm chair.

"We where talking but her father interrupted us and I had to drive her sister to the farm"

"So Fatima had a farm too, he told me it belonged to Rahama"

"No fatima doesn't but Rahama does"
He looks at me confused "Stop confusing me. Did you or did you not have a conversation with Rahama?"

"I did but I would have preferred Fatima instead"
"Why her?"

I look at him unimpressed, maybe he is mixing them up. "Because she is the one I'm going to marry"

"No she's not, you're getting married to Rahama"

He is definitely mixing them up.
"No it's Fatima the older one".

He smiles. "I didn't set you up with Fatima, it was with Rahama".
"What? But I liked Fatima not her sister"

"I know but I prefer Rahama, I belive you two can help each other and her father advised on Rahama instead because she is more responsible, didn't you know Fatima has someone she wants to marry?"

I sat there looking at him unbelievably.
"I'm your father and I have made the decision, this marriage is pulling through and I hope you don't try to do anything—" he stays quiet and takes a deep breath "You're getting married to that girl and that is final. It's not like she wants to marry you either" he says with finality in his voice.

My old man played me. I guess that's why he's the father but this isn't just going to end here.
"You should have at least told me" I say trying not to sound pissed.

"At first I was thinking of Fatima but I realized that she isn't the one for you, you need someone who will help you"

"And that's Rahama?" I ask sarcastically.
"She might have her flaws but we all do"

He stands "I need you to drop me off at Malam Nadir's House, let's go"
He walks out.
I sit there looking at the door he just walked out of, what the hell was I going to do now? I am already roped in.


Rahama's POV.

"Its better than it looks believe me" Fatima says to Ya Faisal and I.
We looked at her so called Jollof rice, when I saw it I honestly thought it was supposed to be rice porridge, no wonder Ammi asked me to warm up last night's dinner for her and baba.

"Fatima what the hell did you serve me?" Ya Faisal asks as he stirred his Jollof rice soup.

"I thought it was good" she says with a frown.
"This isn't fit for human consumption" I say.

"Shut up!" she says looking at me.
"Look I didn't forfeit going to a five star restaurant for this Fatima, I just came back. I wonder why they didn't let Rahama cook, its not like hers is perfect but at least it tastes good, but if it's going to taste like crap at least it should look good".

"Next time you should cook"
"Why didn't you cook anyway?" he asks me.

"I was at the farm remember? You were the one who picked me up"

"What about your car?"
"Hafiz dropped me off"

He made an 'OH' with his mouth.
My phone starts ringing, it was Kashim I quickly jog out to my room.

"Hey! Hey!" I answer.
"What's up? How are you today Larai?"
I hate that name and that's why he does it.

"If you hate the name my parents gave me then just tell me"
"Okay. Are we meeting up tomorrow?"

"I'm going to the farm tomorrow"
"I'll take you there don't worry, I got you. So what are we doing after that?" He asks curiously.

"We can chill a little at Laila's house. Farouq is there"
"You know how that guy gets when I'm there, I get it you three have been friends for 11years but he always has to show me how close you are, he's a child. After all he is just a year older than you"

"And I'm not a child. So if not Laila's then where? And I hope you know I won't be going to your house"
"After your spree the last time?"
He laughs and I cover my face embarrassed even though he wasn't there.

"I really thought you were leaning in to kiss me"
"Really? I was your first kiss anyway so why did you have to run out that way?"

"We were in your room alone, in the house alone. I was already on edge"
"Okay. How about going to that lake close to your farm, there are people there"

"Okay. I'll come pick you up by 3? Is that fine with you?"
"Perfect. Bye".

I end the call.
I stare at my wardrobe trying to decide what to wear, my phone chines.

Seriously Larai?  I didn't even
get to kiss you good bye?
See you tomorrow then.

When Kashim and I really became close it was hard to get used to it. I really thought he loved me, he always calls me in the morning and at night, he always texts to check up on me, he gets worried for no reason and he was always willing to hear my problems. I just feel it's not fair for him to be doing all these things if he doesn't have feelings, I don't think he even knows how it affects me. When he doesn't text or call I get worried that he doesn't care anymore, anyway that was just at first, now I know if he doesn't then there had to be a reason.

But I can't stop thinking about what that dumb friend of his said earlier today, I tried as hard as I could to hide my disappointment and heartbreak but I'm sure he saw it. It's better that I heard clearly from his best friend, at least this way I won't have to embarrass myself and ruin my friendship.


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