Sky 14.

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"How are you doing it?" I ask Hafiz who seems to be doing well with the little girl.

"Remember I have a sister? A young one?"
"But still, you're doing really well".

"Yeah I know" he says picking her up slowly from the couch and lying her down on the bed.

"Ameera is 13, right?"
"Nope 14. I was 15 when mama had her. It was one of the best moments ever. I had two dumb ass brothers. A sister really made things feel different".

He puts pillows around Afra so she wouldn't fall.
"Let's go before you wake her up, it wasn't easy putting her to sleep"

He holds my hand and drags me out with him.

"Auwal and Ameera are coming later. I might not be around when they get here. Ameera is staying here for a few days. Mama and baba travelled and I can't let her stay with those two idiots".

"I'll be back in a while".


I get dressed and go downstairs.
I heard Hafiz's car park a few minutes back.
But they weren't anywhere in the house.

Then I hear laughter from the kitchen.

Upon entering the kitchen I see baby food, feeding cups, pampers and alot more on my kitchen counter. Hafiz was standing by the kettle preparing cerelac while Ameera was holding Afra in her arms.

"What is going on here?" I ask perplexed.
"I cancelled work today to get Afra the basic things she needs. I don't think she should be eating tuwo and the other stuff".

"She's four, she has teeth. Why not?"
He looks at me like I'm crazy "Do you think her mother ever gave her any of this? So of course someone should".

"Okay then, have fun". I walk out.

That man will forget about my existence the moment I have his child.
I hear my phone ringing and run to the living room.


Did you run a marathon?

No. Nope.
It was Kashim.

So how have you been? You've forgotten about me. So soon?

I didn't forget about you. I'm giving you time to forget me.

And here I was thinking you were so happy you forgot I existed.

So what's up?

I saw something today and I just have to ask what's going on in that house.


I saw Hafiz buying baby food. Alot of it and he kept asking where he can get feeding cups, bottles and other stuff. Is everything okay?

No Kashim I'm not pregnant.

I know. He kept saying it's for his 4year old daughter. He seemed so excited.

Nope. It's a friend's daughter, she's staying with us. And apparently he thinks her mother never gave her all that so he wants to be the one to.

Of course, typical Hafiz. Anyway now that I know he didn't kidnap someone's child I'm calmer.

If you saw him why didn't you just ask him?

He and I grew up together, so we basically go to the same doctor, same supermarket, same barbershop and same everything. And I've already seen him more times than I can count these past three weeks. It's getting more frequent and more difficult for both of us.

Okay then.

It's good to hear your voice.

You too.

"Rahama!" Hafiz calls me.

I'll talk to you later.
I end the call.


I sit patiently waiting for her.
She has been avoiding me and I'm tired of waiting for her to open up.

She comes in and freezes when she sees me.
"I knew if I told you I was coming you'd probably say you're not here".

She huffs and sits across me.
"I'm sorry, I've been too busy that's why".

"With what?"
"The wedding"

I smile "Really? I can't believe you're getting married and you didn't tell me. Farouq will hear from me".

"I'm not getting married to Farouq".
I look at her stunned "What?"

"I'm getting married to Abba's friend's son. Two weeks from now".

I couldn't say a word.
"I know it is quick but we both prefer it this way".

"But it has always been Farouq, you love him".
"I do but he doesn't. Promise me you won't tell him".

"But—" promise.
"Okay I promise but don't do this. You should listen to his own side of the story".

She rolls her eyes "Of course that's why you're here. I can't believe you're on his side".

"I'm not on anyone's side. I just want you two to understand each other".

She shakes her head "Not this time. Rahama he has a child, she's four, four fah".

"I know. I met her".
"If you really want us to remain friends don't talk about him and don't say anything about this marriage, not even your opinion".

"If that's the case then we're not friends".
"What?" She asks raising her eyebrows.

"Because friends give opinions and if I can't then we're not friends, we're faking and I don't know how to fake relationships, you know that. You always do things and he always listens to your explanations so he can understand it but don't like listening, it's like you're always in a hurry to end your relationship. Don't do anything stupid".

"Go back to your husband Rahama" she says strictly.

"You can call me when you decide to tell yourself the truth" I get up and walk out.


I huff.
"Aunty Rahama, Ya Hafiz asked me to collect his car keys".
Ameera says when she walks in.

"I don't know were he kept them".
She laughs "I think that's why he asked me to ask you. He's looking for it downstairs".

"Let's go. I think he left it in the laundry room when he went to iron his clothes yesterday" I say as we walk downstairs.

He stood infront of the stairs with his arms crossed "Rahama where did you put my keys now?"

I roll my eyes and grab his wrist leading him to the laundry room.
And there it was at the bottom of the basket.

"You left it here, remember?" I ask tilting my head.

He laughs awkwardly "Ameera you're in charge of my keys from now on. Collect them the moment I get back" he says walking out as we follow behind him.

I see him making his way to the stairs "Where are you going? It's already 8am".

"I want to see if Afra is still sleeping".
"You already saw her before you came downstairs to look for the keys".

I grab his wrist and lead him outside. Ameera and I stand by the door. "You can come in when you get back".

He scoffs "Now I'm being kicked out of my house? Is that even fair?"

"Bye" I smile "Safe ride" I close the door.


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