Sky 16.

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"She said that?" I ask Farouq who looked battered.

"Yes. She doesn't want us to bother her"
"But should we really let her do it?"

He holds my hand "Let's be honest with ourselves Rahama, we both know Laila and we know she will never ever ever listen to us. She's too stubborn".

"So we're going to let her go through with this?"
"I told Baba to talk to her father but he said that Laila won't change her mind no matter what".

I groan "She's too hard headed"
"Where is Afra" he smiles "And Hafiz?"

"She's upstairs. Hurry up and go with her before he gets back"

"Okay okay"
"Let me get her" I hurry in.


Immediately Farouq leaves I call Hafiz.

Hello Hafiz?

Hey, what's up?

Uhh.....Farouq just left and he took Afra with him.

What? Why didn't you call me?

Apparently her grandparents are in a hurry and he had to go see Laila so he was in a rush.

That's too bad. But I hope he took everything. Her food, cup, plate. I mean every little thing.

Yes he did. He barely had a place to sit mah.

That's good. It's okay, I'm going to miss her though but you and I have to discuss something when I get back.


Don't make dinner. I'll just get takeout.

Okay. Bye.

He ends the call.

Some day we are going to laugh about this.
But I'm screwed, I know what the conversation is about.


We sit.
He was staring me dead in the eye like I just committed theft.

I move my eyes away unable to look him in the eye.
"Look at me".

"I don't want to ask again"
I look at him.

"Now. When am I going to have my child?"

"Don't act dumb with me".
"I thought you said we'd put the whole children thing by the side until we are ready!"

"Exactly. We're ready".
"You are but I'm not".

He huffs "I can't wait any longer".
"Okay how about we try in 5months. You know I'm trying to start my business, if it kick-starts before 5months then we'll try then".

He smiles.
The same smile I see on Afra's face when she sees food and the same look he has on his face when he sees yam. So he looks like a 5year old.

"It's good that we had this conversation" he walks out.

Sometimes I feel like a different person from the man I actually knew.


We look at the wedding pictures.
Ya Faisal just blinks.

"So you're telling me Laila married him?" Fatima asks surprised.

"She didn't even know how he looked, she just agreed without any research".

The man in the picture with her looks like he has never heard of balanced diet or money.
"So she dumped that sexy Farouq for him?" Ya Fatima asks.

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