Sky 15.

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I feel so tired and exhausted.
I promised Laila that I wouldn't tell Farouq and I promised Farouq I wouldn't be the one to tell Laila about Khadijah.

The worst is Hafiz is getting too attached to Afra and the girl as well. I feel bad each time I see him playing with the little girl.

He enjoys it, it's heartbreaking and when she leaves the man might actually start thinking of having his children too. I don't think I'm ready.

"Why isn't she eating?" he asks me.
I look at the little girl who was just staring at us.

"She's probably not hungry that's why".
"Anyway I have to work on some files. It was her wailing that stopped me earlier and it's getting late. I have to turn it in by 7am tomorrow".

"Alright. Don't worry I'll stay with her"

He gets up and walks in.
The girl looks sleepy so I rest her head on my lap.

My phone starts ringing.

Farouq? Tell me its good news.

Laila is getting married? When? Why? How is she getting married?


You knew? Why didn't you tell me?

I found out when I went to talk to her. I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I promised her I wouldn't just like I promised you I wouldn't talk to her about Khadija.

Sorry for dragging you into our messy problems.

It's fine but when are you going to tell her?

I want to get the DNA test before I confront her.

She'll be getting married this Saturday. When is this freaking test going to come out.

Thursday evening. But what the hell is wrong with Laila, she is so impulsive. I can't stand it.

Just calm down.

How is Afra?

Ugh! Hafiz is getting too attached to her.

Oh god! I'm sorry Rahama, I might have gotten you into a mess too.

It's fine. You just think of a way to explain to Laila, you know she's hardly listens to explanations.

But Rahama—


Why do I feel like it's better we end it here?


Honestly since I started dating Laila I have always been on my toes. Its like I'm taking a test 24/7. I love Laila but can I really spend the rest of my life with her?

What made you think that?

Since we fought, I feel like a heavy burden has been lifted off my shoulders but I don't want her to do something out of impulse to make me jealous and she comes to regret it.

You have 3days. Think about whether you're willing to or not but one thing is for sure.....she cannot marry someone she doesn't know or love to make you jealous.

THANKS. Kisses to Afra.

I end the call.


"Hell no!" Lawal shouts.

I push his legs off my white couch "These are way to precious to me to be treated like trash. Stop stepping on my babies".

He laughs "Okay".

"So where is Ya Hafiz? He told us he had a message he wants us to deliver" Auwal says.

"Unfortunately I have no idea what the message is but lunch is ready, will you eat it here or in the kitchen?"

"The kitchen" Auwal speaks up.

"Wow!" Lawal exclaims.
"So you have all this watermelon?"

"Yes. I think the ripe ones are about 7 or so. Can you take them with you? You can give it out or take it yourself. It's just that we already have excess watermelon juice and there are 3unripe ones".

"It's fine. Mama and baba love them and Kaka too. We'll just give the old people.".

"Its a fruit for the old anyway" Lawal jokes.
"No. No. No. Not my melon".

They both laugh.
"I'm serious. Young people take melon too".
"Okay" Lawal says like he doesn't believe me.


Farouq's  POV.

I wait impatiently.
This was were we had our first date.

"Farouq?" I hear her voice.
I turn around and see her standing behind me with her arms crossed.

"It was you?" She asks.
"I had to talk to you".

"About what? Your daughter?"

I stand up and gently grab her arm.
"She's not my daughter".

"So it took you two weeks to tell me that?"
"No. I tried to tell you that day but you wouldn't listen, I tried calling but you wouldn't pick up, I went to see you but you wouldn't see me. I did all I could but you didn't want to see me and talk to me. But this is the DNA test" I give her the paper.

"She's not my daughter".
"Is that why she stayed with Rahama?"

"I was afraid she might really be my daughter, I can't just throw her away or send her where people wouldn't care for her".

"What are you going to do now?"
"I'm taking her to her mother's parents tomorrow but we're here to talk about us".

"So if you thought she might be your daughter....then you must have really done something with her mother".

"Just sit. Please"
We sit down.

"I met Khadijah four years ago. It was when my mother died and you were in Turkey. I can't say I wasn't in my right senses but she came to the house for the weekend and...." I huff when I see the irritated look on her face "I'm sorry I couldn't help it. I swear I did all I could, I even kicked her out when I noticed what she was planning and one day I got back late at night and found her in my room. I didn't know what came over me".

"I'm not trying to make excuses. I was wrong and I can't deny it. But please don't marry another man. Not because of what I did".

"So you tricked me into coming here to tell me that?" she asks disbelievingly.

"Your sister tells you to come here, we both know you knew it was me. You never tell your step sisters anything and you told me that yourself. So the fact that you showed up here means you are willing to listen".

"We're over Farouq".
"That's fine with me".

She looks at me surprised, she froze.
"What? Youre fine with breaking up with me?"

"It's better this way, you know it. I just don't want you to marry someone because you want to make me feel jealous, I don't want you to ruin your life because of me".

"It's my life. I can do whatever the hell I want! We're over anyway. I can't believe you're letting a relationship like ours just die. Giving up on us".

"No. You gave up on me first".
"I'm marrying Bala and there isn't anything you or Rahama can do about it. So tell her to stop calling me" she walks away.

I wish she'd change. I love her but I can't live with her for the rest of my life.


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