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buzz buzz

hyuck rose frantically from his slumber; immediately annoyed at the sound of his phone vibrating. rolling over in bed to grab the loud device and answer before it stopped buzzing.


"morning, duckie! i need you to go get groceries because company is coming over."

donghyuck couldn't believe his ears. he put the phone on mute before screaming into his pillow.

"duck, you there? hello?"

his brothers voice echoed through the device so he quickly composed himself and unmuted the phone.

"okay and where are you exactly?"

"i'm at work genius, maybe one day you can get a real job-"

"yeah, definitely. bye."

he cut his brother off before he could even get started on his whole you need a job speech. he hated when his brother nagged him things; especially after not even letting him wake up fully. the older always made it seem like he just sat at home all day doing nothing. this was not true. donghyuck had a job at a nearby cafe three days a week and it was owned by family friends. that was one thing of a few he did and today he was also tasked with groceries.

"lord, what time is it? it's too early for this shit."

rubbing his eyes, that were undoubtedly laced with sleep, he got up from his cozy bed. the alarm clock that rested on his nightstand read 6 o'clock am. donghyuck rubbed his eyes harder and blinked twice to make sure he didn't misread the three dingy letters on his clock.

"it's fucking 6 am! he couldn't even let me sleep in till 8 like usual. i'm snitching on him as soon as he gets home."

recently this became hyucks daily routine which consisted of his brother bothering him and him having to just deal with it. hyuck fear he would never get used to it as he waddled to his bathroom to get ready. luckily the store wasn't too far from his home so his rilakuma pajamas did wonders as his local market fashion statement. he did his morning routine which took an hour after he made up his mind about whether he wanted to shower or not. then he slipped on his yellow crocs and grabbed his car keys off the hook downstairs. before heading out he stared in the direction of the kitchen. a decent breakfast would do him good as of right now, maybe even just some coffee.

debating if he had time to waste since he spent an hour getting ready and he liked to be in the store when it first opened. that way nobody bothered him because it was nearly empty. then he realized that since he was asked to go shopping so that probably meant there was no food to eat in the cupboards.

"i hate mornings."

he muttered while throwing on a light jacket. seemed like breakfast just had to wait until he returned so he had to make this trip quick because his stomach waited for no one.

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