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mark was more than shocked, he was in fact astonished. only that didn't stop him from kissing back with just as much delight. it was a fast but meaningful kiss for the two of them. donghyuck couldn't be more proud of himself and the way he does not think before doing something. mark let a grin take over his features without realizing it. he gave the male behind the register two singles and told him to keep the change. ten and jungwoo cooed at the two practically racing out the establishment hand in hand.

"ahhh...such young love."

"that was so cute! i did good with that one."

"correction. we did good with that."

"the only thing you do is argue with the boy."

jungwoo shook his head disappointingly before walking towards his employee. ten organized the lemon cupcakes in the main display case with serious intent. he had to make sure they didn't touch the rest of the cupcakes so people would know which flavors were which.

"how do you think his brother is going to react? we saw how overprotective he was when he came with donghyuck for the job interview." ten mentioned causing jungwoo to shrug. it's not like jaehyun had to come to the job interview because they were childhood friends. of course he was going to hire donghyuck whether he was qualified or not. he knew it couldn't be that hard to train someone on cashing.

"he better not split them up, that's all i know."

meanwhile, the two boys running around town were on cloud nine. that quick kiss gave them both such a euphoric feeling that they've never felt before. they walked down a couple of blocks to a nearby park. there they sat and ate the cookies mark bought for the both of them. donghyuck thought about how he could've got the cookies for free if he snuck them like he usually did. nevertheless, he dove right in and started munching on the semi-sweet treat.

"hyuckie, did you know this was my first time seeing you in something other than pajamas?"

"like for real?" the younger muttered as he stuffed his face with more of the sweet treat. he thought about all the times he went to store and never thought to wear actual street clothes. mark chuckled as he watched the boys face go through many different emotions. he assumed the male was probably rethinking his outfit choices so he reassured him not to fret too much about it.

"you look absolutely adorable in pajamas but i like you like this too." mark nodded in content at the outfit hyuck decided to wear. he guessed they didn't have a strict dress code at the café because everyone dressed differently in the same color scheme. hyuck wore a light blue hoodie, black jeans, and black converse. mark watched as the male flushed pink.

"thanks...you look good uh as well." he laughed nervously as he rarely got the chance to talk to the bagger boy this much. he finished his cookie and shook the crumbs off his hands.

"we should do this more often harry."

"we should. it is nice to see you something other than rilakkuma pants."

"oh, shut up." hyuck pushed him a little while the two bursted in giggles.

"would you like to go to the movies with me tomorrow night?"

"yes of course." donghyuck face lit up before tackling the other in a hug. mark hugged him back and placed his head on the youngers shoulder. mark didn't want to seem weird but he definitely took in a nice whiff of his scent. donghyuck smelled so nice. their first hug was definitely something they both wouldn't forget.

he smells like sweets

"perfect, i'll pick you up at eight. see you tomorrow cutie." mark muttered before pulling him in for a short kiss.

"mhm." the younger hummed as mark tried to pull away.

"no. one more." mark sighed dramatically before giving the shorter what he wanted. donghyuck smiled after the last peck and let his crush walk away. donghyuck stared at him dreamily as time got away from him. he had to head back to work and give boss the biggest thank you hug ever.

"bye, harry potter."

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