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"enjoy and come back again." mark muttered for the millionth time today. his shift nearly being over but his favorite customer still didn't come by. i bet you're wondering who it is, hm?

fine i'll tell you all about him or at least all mark knows about him. it was a cute guy that had yellow crocs and some type of pajamas on every time he came to the market. mark had never seen him wear anything else and hoped he could catch a glimpse of him before his shift ended. he sighed as he checked the clock.

this is so goddamn boring...cutie where are you?

mark could for sure be called dramatic considering that his shift didn't end until noon and it was only seven. the store just opened an hour ago and he already began his sulky routine behind the checkout counter. the boy ran through his mind more often than he ran through the aisles within the place. suddently, almost right on cue, the sliding doors open and reveled the pajama boy in crocs. he walked in, sheepishly shuffling over to the carts, and pulled out a list from his pants pocket. marks eyes followed him all the way from the carts to the refrigerator section.

"um...hello?" the lady asked as she patiently waited for mark to acknowledge her presence.

"oh, i am so sorry miss! let me ring you up." he apologized profusely and shyly smiled to the lady because he knew she'd caught him. the big grin on her face gave it away and he had never felt more embarrassed in his life.

"is he your boyfriend?"

mark let his face flood a deep shade of red at the women's question. he thought he misheard her at first but how could he? the only people in the store had to be the three of them and his boss who sat in the back office all day.

"not yet, ma'am. your total is $53.74."

he watched her count several bills in front of her and count a couple of quarters in her hand. she was making him do math this early in the morning? originally, he thought to himself that this had to be some kind of joke. sooner than later he realized that his only job is to count money. why would he do this to himself?

"i think you'd make a cute pair. keep your eyes on him uh-"

she glanced at the name tag that adorned his teal shirt while mark put the money she handed him into the register.

"-mark." i handed her the receipt with a fake smile plastered on my face. this interaction had to be the most awkward thing i've had to endure in a while.

"thank you, ma'am."

she left without a second thought and thats when he told myself that he had to start focusing so he doesn't get fired. if he gets fired he won't be able to see his boy.

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