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"LETS GOOOO!" donghyuck squealed while jumping up and down after he closed the front door. it was eight o'clock when he arrived back home from work. taeyong and jaehyun jumped off the couch with confused looks. the younger didn't notice them though as he went on to do a victory dance. the boy was on top of the world and nothing could ruin his night.

"what happened to you?" jaehyun popped around the corner and scared him. well, taeyong and him have been standing there the whole time he did his victory dance. he noticed the bright look on his brothers face as soon as he came in. he hasn't seen his little brother like this ever so he wanted to know what was going on. taeyong just adoringly stared at his little brother-in-law.

"mark kissed me." he muttered shyly, his cheeks got warm just talking about it. jaehyun let his jaw practically hit the floor at the news he heard while taeyong just squealed with donghyuck.

"YAY! HYUCK HAD HIS FIRST KISS!" they jumped up and down together while jaehyun watched uneasily . he cared about his little brother's well being and he didn't want donghyuck to come back home crying over a guy who's not worth it. jaehyun loved him too much to see him go through that. the only thing making him feel better about the scene was the fact his loved and brother were giddy together.

"i'm glad we're all happy and everything but we need rules! you can't go over his house without my permission and someone must be home if he comes over. no dates, pre-marital hand holding, touching, hugging, kissing or even breathing. stay four feet away from each other at all times and last no sex." hyuck and taeyong bursted out in laughter at jaehyun's request. he didn't understand what was so funny about his list. i mean they don't even know who this mark guy is!

"first of all i'm turning twenty in two months jaehyun. you can't tell me what to do anymore and i'm going on a date with him tomorrow. goodnight yongie." the male kissed taeyong on the cheek like usual and then stood in front of his brother with a soft smile.

"i love you jaehyun but you don't need to protect me all the time." he spoke before hugging his brother. jaehyun was surprised so he didn't hug back at first. once he realized what was going on, he squeezed the living life out of donghyuck.

"you mean so much to me hyuck and i love you too." jaehyun mumbled before kissing his head. the couple watched as he walked up the stairs. the watched him open the door to his room and close it behind him.



"who is mark?"

"i wish i knew tae, i wish i knew."

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