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mark never would've thought he would hear these words so soon. surprisingly, he wasn't the first one to say it.

"i have never met anyone as considerate, devoted, and loving as you. you've been there for me more than i have for myself. you show up when i ask and you care for my family as if it's your own. i've seen you go after the life of your dreams with nothing but determination behind your eyes. you're careful, curious, and fearless. you're someone i don't know if i'd rather be or be with. honestly, i could talk about you for hours and bring the whole house to tears. hopefully, you'll give me the chance to do so with my wedding vows. lee taeyong, would you do me the honor and you marry me?" everyone in the restaurant screamed which startled taeyong a bit.

a plethora of cameras surrounded the two and the candle lit dinner provided the perfect lighting. everyone they invited showed up too which had to be some sort of miracle. the long dinner table consisted of 14 people; donghyuck, mark, johnny, ten, jungwoo, taeil, irene, renjun, jeno, baekhyun, chanyeol and even taeyongs parents. donghyuck just thought they were all celebrating taeyong's 25th birthday together as a giant group once he saw the long line of people at the entrance. he should've known something was up the moment he noticed everyone dressed to the nines.

he and mark threw on literally anything they could find as they assumed it would only be the four of them. taeyong on the other hand looked so good but that made sense because it was his birthday. hyuck knew he had to get all the angles of this proposal right so the two could gawk over it later.

"yes! a million times yes!" he squealed as everyone clapped in amusement. jaehyun slipped the ring on his slender finger, kissing his hand, and giving his new fiancé a kiss on the lips. tae latched around him like a koala causing everyone to coo at the freshly engaged couple. the waiters brought out a chocolate cake and started singing the traditional happy birthday song for taeyong. hyuck looked over to mark who had the biggest smile on his face. donghyuck was happy too but for a reason no one suspected; free dessert!

"why are you so happy, hm?"

"i can't wait till the day i propose to you. i'd rather it be sooner than later." he murmured with a soft voice while keeping eye contact with the younger. hyuck didn't say anything and just left a chaste kiss on his boyfriends lips. fiddling with the promise ring that basically lived on his ring finger now; he rarely took it off.

"you can't marry me just yet, markie. there's still one more thing i want to do first."

"i think i liked you better in pajamas."

i'll marry you one day donghyuck

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