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a few days passed by and now donghyuck had to go back to his unamusing job. don't get him wrong, he loved working there, but it's just not the funniest place to be. freshly out of high school and his first job being at a cafe owned by people he grew up with. on the bright side the cafe did have delicious food and decent pay. it all just kind of felt like he was being babysat by his brothers friends all day. thankfully, they never treated him with anything other than respect. his co-workers and the boss took great care of him. the male who owned the place, jungwoo, was in charge of cookies since it was a crowd favorite. he enjoyed baking a lot of their goods himself just so people knew they were made with love.

hyuck sighed before putting a smile on his face for the new customer.

"good morning and welcome to café woo! the café that will satisfy your tummy."

"oh, good morning! i'd like one large joe with two sugars." the kind woman asked as she took out her wallet.

"yes, is that all for you today?"

"how are your chocolate chip cookies?"

hyuck smiled to himself as he smelled a fresh batch come right out the oven. he had to be honest with the beautiful woman in front of him. those cookies were to die for and there's been a couple of times where he'd sneak one for himself before break. he thought his boss didn't know about it but jungwoo always keeps an accurate account for his cookies.

"they're very tasty. we have semi-sweet chocolate chunk and milk chocolate chip."

"well, which is your favorite?"

the lady seemed nice and like she wanted a genuine opinion. hyuck wouldn't mind talking to her all day as barely anyone would actually care for his feelings on a cookie. the cafe wasn't too busy either so she came at the perfect time.

"i like both. i'll cut you a deal if you'd like! just don't tell my boss."

"i heard that!"

jungwoo yelled from the back of the kitchen. man, the younger could not whisper to save his life. the young woman laughed at their foolishness and smiled fondly at the worker.

"i'll take both and i promise i'll pay for them along with my coffee."

"alright, your total is $6.23. what's the name for the coffee?"


the lady handed him her card with a bright smile. donghyuck felt incredibly lucky that this customer had been so nice to him. sometimes he encounters people that have the worst attitude early in the morning. it took a lot out of him to not stare and actually write the name on the cup before sliding it to his co-worker ten.

this seulgi lady happened to be very attractive. if he didn't like guys so much he may have asked her on a date. he handed her back the silver card with a smile just as fast as he received it.

"coming right up."

although he had such a good morning with the nice lady, he still disliked working. all he could think about was how going to the grocery store in the morning wasn't such a bad thing. it definitely wasn't bad when he had someone as cute as his harry potter to look at.

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