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"taeyong!" donghyuck ran up to the older with an excitement like no other. hugging him before his older brother could had to be the best part of seeing the older.

"my little duckie, how have you been?" taeyong ruffled his hair in the sweetest manner. donghyuck was basically his little brother by now.

"good, just tired because jaehyun."

"what did he do this time?"

the male glared at his younger brother for actually telling on him. what happened to bro code? family is supposed to stick together during times like this.

"he's just been annoying me with his lovey dovey talk about you and him. ewww!"

jaehyun secretly thanked his younger brother for not snitching on him this time. his boyfriend would have his head if he knew he woke the younger up to do the chore he was supposed t0 be doing.

"it's okay, hyuck. you'll find your someone one day but let me tell you that once you do your whole life changes."

taeyongs words made donghyuck blush as his mind immediately drifted to his favorite cashier. he watched his brother place kisses all over their visitors face. oh, what he would give to find a love like theirs.

"mark." his subconscious beat him to it and name of the boy who occupied his mind came out unwillingly.

"hey, who is mark?" jaehyun asked.

"um- no one." donghyuck blabbered before running down the hallway to his room. he locked the door, instantly sliding down the long frame with regret. if he were to leave this room he'd be met with a plethora of questions.

"i do it to myself, honestly."

then he thought back to earlier at the grocery store....

mark- my harry potter

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