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"good afternoon and welcome to café woo- harry?"

"oh, hey hyuckie. i didn't know you worked here."

the familiar male let his eyes look over the younger with glee. he had just came back from
the hairdresser where she convinced him to dye his hair. needless to say it didn't take much convincing for him to let her transform his hair from black to burgundy. donghyuck couldn't contain his shock because mark looked amazing. it was obvious he switched his circular potter lenses for a pair of contacts and he switched his work uniform for casual clothes. a silver chain hung from his neck, gray sweats adorned his legs and a white shirt hugged his upper body.

hyuck nearly lost consciousness at the sight in front of him. the heat coming from the kitchen oven didn't help his case either. mark cleared his throat to turn the males attention back into him. little did he knew donghyucks attention was only on him.

"he-hey, is it your first time here? do you really need me to repeat my line again?" the younger mused with a pleading look while mark just held a smug look on his face.

"actually i have been here before but i want to hear you say it, so proceed."

"ihatemylife... good afternoon and welcome to café woo. the café that will satisfy your tummy." he spoke with a bittersweet grin. he just knew the bagger boy was soaking this interaction up. usually he was the one to visit him at work but now the rules have reversed.

"that was kind of cute. alright, can i get two cookies?"

"what kind?"

"whichever you want." hyuck rolled his eyes trying to ignore the blush crawling up his cheeks. this was embarrassing. he thought about quitting on the spot.

"i'll do one of both. would that be all?"

"yes, hyuckie."

mark could not help himself from saying his name ever since he found out what it was. it rolled off the tongue so smoothly that he found himself trying to use it whenever he could.

"your total is $1.27. what's the name?"

"donghyuck's boyfriend." mark teased and winked at the younger. hyuck sighed and he actually wrote it on the paper bag. looking at the older expectedly of some form of payment to be pulled from his pocket, mark smirked.

"what's wrong?"

"your payment? cash or card?"

"well first things first, you didn't think i bought two cookies for myself did you? take a break and eat with me." donghyuck didn't want to refuse but his boss would never let him skip out on work to have fun.

"no, i don't think i can."

"you never asked!"

donghyuck silently cursed to himself as he heard his boss's voice resonate from the kitchen. ten snickered and snatched the bag from his co-worker. the writing in it made him smile widely.

"yeah, hyuck go eat with your boyfriend! you can take an early break you know."

"he's not my boyfriend."

"that's not what he wrote on the bag." ten waved the bag in the air for their boss to see. annoyed at their banter; jungwoo pushed the younger from behind the counter and into the others arms.

"now i'll check him out. cash or card?"


jungwoo watched as the two just stared at each other with big doe eyes. donghyuck couldn't help but take note of the tiny mole on marks left cheek. the way the natural light from their bay window hit his face made the younger feel some type of way. mark was also feeling the same thing. he was so close he could count every one of his eyelashes. mark could see the many tiny moles he had and he finally got to relish in the full beauty of him up close. it was like they were dreaming, both in a trance with the smell of coffee and freshly baked cookies keeping them grounded. good thing donghyuck decided today out of all days to be bold. he went in for the kiss.

"oh, gosh! not inside my café!"

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