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"eggs? check, milk? check, pancake mix? check, my beauty sleep being put on paused? check, check and check." he bawled up the list that consisted of things he needed to get. hyuck immediately ran to his favorite cashier to see that there was no one in his line. he pushed his heavy cart all the way in and was greeted the cashier with a slight wave. this happened to be the best part of shopping because he got to refer to the boy as harry potter. placing all his things on the conveyor belt.

"how was your shopping today?" the guy named mark asked like always.

"it was okay, i mean i am kind of tired this morning." donghyuck mumbled while yawning.

"i can see that." mark chuckled as he thought about how cute the male in front of him happens to be. he only worked here for a couple of months but he has seen the pretty boy often during his time here.

"how was your morning, harry?" donghyuck asked as he pulled out his money to pay.

"better now that you're here." he mumbled but the younger was still able to hear him perfectly clear. hyuck blushed and didn't miss the bright smile of his peer.

"here you go cutie. come back soon." mark placed the last bag in his cart and gave him a subtle wink. the only time he would step from around the counter had to be when his pajama boy came. he made sure to put every single bag of groceries into his cart just so he could get a better look at the boy.

"harry, what's your name?"

that's when mark realized he tends to cover his name tag with stickers when he's bored. during the morning shift there isn't much to do so he uses the stickers hidden behind the register. the stickers are actually supposed to be for marking merchandise that's not bagged as paid. since it was a local market in the town they always choose the sticker they wanted to use for the month to keep people from copying them. this month the stickers were tiny cats.

"i'm mark lee, what's yours?"

"lee donghyuck."

they were both lee's? that's kind of funny isn't it?

"hyuckie." mark ruffled the boys hair before walking back to his designed spot. donghyuck hummed and quickly made his way out the store after that. his heart practically jumped out of his chest at their little interaction. mark on the other hand was happy that he finally got name.


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