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"after what felt like years of planning the wedding of your uncles dreams they got married. then near the end of the wedding i caught the bouquet of flowers which was a sign that i was getting married soon."

"which we did get engaged after you and dongmei came along so you could be there to celebrate with us. your dad wanted it to be that way so i made sure his dreams came true." mark finished with a big smile as he ruffled his husbands hair.

"so now i have two dads." one of the twins held up three fingers on accident. i suppose mark needed more guidance with teaching numbers than he thought.

"yes, we have two dads and we are a big family. me, you, dad, and dongmei." daile told her twin with the utmost confidence. she for sure took after her father; donghyuck. the markhyuck couple did indeed get married two years after the jaeyong couple celebrated their fourth wedding anniversary. mark proposed in their local market where it all started. they adopted three kids; the oldest, dongmei, is eleven and the twins are five. daile and daemi could be such a handful at times since they were very developed in their speech. this got them in loads of trouble.

if you were wondering about the attire the markhyuck couple decided on at their wedding; don't expect anything fancy. they did indeed wear pajamas at the ceremony which ended in them getting a lot of weird stares. they didn't care though because at the end of the day they knew the meaning behind it and that's all that mattered.

"so basically you found love in a grocery store?" dongmei pushed open the bedroom door as she got tired of eavesdropping outside of it. she loved hearing about the story of her parents and oddly respected them for their silly ways.

"yes, we did and to think all of this happened because i asked about your fathers name. i always called him harry potter before then."

"i wouldn't take that day back if it would make me rich. i love you, hyuck."

"i love you even more."

"please, don't kiss. that's absolutely disgusting." dongmei complained and started to evacuate the premises with her younger siblings.

"wait! does dongmei want a kiss too?" mark called out after his daughter with a sneaky grin. donghyuck instantly went along with whatever his husbands plan was to annoy their daughters with love.

"no! don't you dare."

"they wouldn't."

"they would. oh, daile!"

mark grabbed the twins and hyuck trailed after their daughter to attack her with kisses all over her face. he knew she disliked affection because she said it wasn't cool but they knew she secretly enjoyed it. meanwhile, in their bedroom, mark tickled the twins and showered them with smooches. they were all one big happy family.

"dad! do you guys have to do this every single time?" dongmei complained for the millionth time already. her parents were embarrassing but she wouldn't trade them for anything. hyuck hugged his daughter without hesitation. this is the life he wanted to live until the end of time.

"yes, we do. even in pajamas, pumpkin."

"you're always in pajamas, dad."

the end
thank you for reading!

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