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now today was the day hyuck would have his first date. he had to beg his boss to let him off early today so he could go home and get ready. he let him of course because he shipped the pair together just like everyone else. if we're being honest here technically this wasn't his first date. during high school he had a crush on his best friend renjun and they went on a date or two. lets just say stuff happened on that date and now renjun is dating jaemin. anyways the clock struck seven when his heard his name being called downstairs. he added the last finishing touches on his hair and raced down the stairs to see mark already talking with the couple that occupied this house.

"so no touching, stay five feet-"

"im sorry. my boyfriend is just very overprotective of his little brother." taeyong covered jaehyun's mouth and smiled at mark. hyuck walked passed the two with a big smile and wrapped his arms around mark's waist.

mark looked at the boy with a soft expression. he didn't expect to be greeted with two arms wrapped around him but he couldn't object so instead he fixed their placement. his eyes never left his date as he lifted hyucks arms to wrap around his neck. he wanted to put his own arms around the latters waist so he did. the happy couple in front of them felt like they were interrupting an intimate moment. jaehyun felt like a third wheel while taeyong couldn't help but melt at the two being so cute. it reminded him of when he first met his boyfriend.

"i promise i will bring him home on time and unharmed. i won't let anyone touch my hyuckie." mark kissed the younger's head and took in his sweet scent. he smelled like chocolate and that was one thing mark began to love about him. mark wore a pair of light blue jeans with a soft gray hoodie and his circular glasses. mark felt like the younger would get cold since he only had on a white shirt and dark blue jeans.

"it was nice to meet you, mark. i hope you guys have a great night."

"i think we will. thank you for letting me-"

"alright, harry we got the approval. let's go!"

donghyuck unlocked the front door and pulled his date out it as quick as he could. he couldn't wait another second to get away from his awkward parental figures. it looked like they were getting to know one another before he came downstairs which is something they'd have to discuss later. the last thing he needed was them going through his baby pictures before the next date.

"lee donghyuck, don't be so rash and don't be afraid to use protection!" taeyong shut the door behind the two who were so swift to leave. jaehyun pulled his boyfriend close to him and let his own arms cover the males frame. taeyong knew this was a big deal for his lover so he just let him be. this had to be jaehyuns biggest fear coming true.

"jae, it's all going to be okay. we met when we were young and now love each other so much. if all else fails with them we both know we will pick hyuck back up again."

"if he hurts him i'm going to have to go to jail."

"nobody is going to jail. please, let's go finish our movie in your room." that suggestion alone made jaehyuns jaw go slack. he couldn't believe what he thought his boyfriend was suggesting. taeyong unwrapped the arms that engulfed him lovingly and gave him the look.

"you know we weren't watching the movie in my-"

"yes, i know." taeyong took his hand with a cheeky grin and led him upstairs.

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